
Adem CAN Homeros Destanları ile Dede Korkut Hikâyeleri Arasındaki Kurgu, Yapı, Tip ve Tema Benzerlikleri, 263-286
The Similaritis of Fiction and Structure and Type and Theme in Between the Epics of Homer and the Stories of Dede Qorqut
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.1786
Abstract | Full text


Adem CAN Dergâh’tan Büyük Doğu’ya İlk Dönem Cumhuriyet Devri Poetika Muhitlerinde Şiiri Tarif Denemeleri, 863-882
Definitions of Poem in the First Period of Republican Era Poeticas from Dergah to Büyük Doğu
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.1768
Abstract | Full text

Journal of Turkish Studies
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