
Yaşar TOKAY Kutadgu Bilig'de Bir Üslup Özelliği Olarak -sA bolmaz Yapısı, 617-631
As A Stylistic Feature The Structure -sA bolmaz In Kutadgu Bilig
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.29228/TurkishStudies.39623
Abstract | Full text


Yaşar TOKAY Evliyā Çelebi Seyahat-Nāmesi’nde İkilemeler, 2401-2416
Hendiadyoins In Evliyā Celebıi’s Seyahatnāme
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.5244
Abstract | Full text


Yaşar TOKAY Divanü Lugati’t-Türk’te Kızgınlık İfade Eden Kelimeler, 1851-1862
Expressions of Anger in Diwan Lugat at-Turk
DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.1879
Abstract | Full text

Journal of Turkish Studies
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