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Number of pages:
2019-Volume 14 Issue 3

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Stress is defined as a physical and spiritual reaction of a person to all sorts of difficulties that represent threat. Cognitive and behavioral efforts and methods that one demonstrates and uses to maintain stress at an acceptable level are called strategies of coping with stress. Since stress and coping with it can be met in all aspects of life, a lot of research has been done on this topic. The purpose of this study is to provide the Kyrgyz culture with a Kyrgyz version of the “coping with stress” scale, which can be used by researchers in various fields. The study was conducted with three separate sample groups, in which 670 people took part. A scale of coping with stress, developed by Y. Ozbay and B. Shahin (1997), was chosen for adaptation to Kyrgyz culture. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed to identify the reliability of the structure. As a result, the chi-square study was 171.785, the degree of freedom 142 (p =, 000), chi-square / degree of freedom = 1 209, comparative correspondence indices NFI = .971, TLI = .978, IFI = .969, RMSEA =. 01, GFI = .951, AGFI = .950 and RMR = .03. The Chronbach’s alpha coefficient was .878, which allows to conclude that the Kyrgyz form of the stress management scale can be safely used by Kyrgyz scientists and educators.


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