A Comparative Overview of the Mawlids of Suleyman Chelebi and Mela Huseynê Bateyî

In the classical literature which shape with Islamic impression, the most of demanding in mawlid that develope in Prophet Mohammad’s birth. A lot İslamic Community’s literature, Notably Turkish and Kurdish literature, have been written numerous mawlid work. İt has compared Suleyman Chelebi’s Vesiletu’n Necat’s with Mela Huseyne Bateyi’s Mewlûdu’n-Nebi’s, it has played a crucial role with the most languages and common mawlid. As a result of compared belong to Suleyman Chelebi and Bateyi mawlids, Vesiletu’n-Necat which is older and larger, has found that a common story arc, from Prophet Mohammad’s birth to death. On that sense Vesiletu’n-Necat has been more determined with Hz. Muhammed’s life. On the contrary it has stated that it doesn’t mention a few subject in Vesiletu’n-Necat Mawlid’s but we can find lots of subjects in Bateyi’s Mewlûdu’n-Nebi. It would be useful to examine the moral advices included in Vesîletü'n-Necât and Mewlûdu’n-Nebî, written under the harsh social conditions of the period which followed the Ottoman Interregnum Period, and their didactic aspects. Even if the sources of these Mawlids, which are the example of prophetic biography on the grounds of addressing the Prophet's life, have been mentioned, this issue deserves to be examined comprehensively. Although it has been focused on the shape and content of two mawlids in the limited scope of this study, there are many other topics that can be addressed comparatively. Apart from being literary and religious texts, another characteristic of the mawlids of Suleyman Chelebi and Bateyî, which should be evaluated, is their contribution to the adoption of the concept of followers of the sunnah among the community and protection of the believers from unknown and harmful concepts. Because the intellectual background of Suleyman Chelebi and Bateyî mawlids is tightly connected to concept of the followers of the sunnah (Ahl al-Sunnah).


Mawlid, Suleyman Çelebi, Vesiletu’n-Necat, Mela Huseynê Bateyî, Mewlûdu’n-Nebî.

Author : Mustafa ÖZTÜRK
Number of pages: 389-418
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.13040
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Alıntı Yap:
Journal of Turkish Studies
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