الاستعمال البلاغي للاسم والفعل في القرآن


Number of pages:
2018-Volume 13 Issue  2

Kur’an’ın kelimeleri kullanışındaki güzellik ve hassasiyet dikkat çekicidir. Kelimeler öyle kullanılmıştır ki üslup, belagat ve sanatla mana desteklenmiştir. Bu sebeple Allah’ın seçmiş olduğu kelimenin yerine, eşanlamlısı da olsa başka bir kelimenin getirilmesi mümkün değildir. Bu araştrma, kur’anın isim ve fiile yüklediği belagatı Kur’an bağlamında ele almaktadır. Kur’an’da öyle kelimelere şahit oluyoruz ki, aynı kelime kimi zaman isim olarak, kimi zaman da fiil olarak kullanılmıştır. Karşılaştığımız bu durum, kur’anın belagat zenginliğini ve manadaki hassasiyeti göstermektedir. Arapça belagatıyla ve çekimleriyle oldukça zengin bir dildir. Zengin olan bu fiil çekimleri ve isim çeşitleri Kur’an’da yer almaktadır. Arapçadaki fiil kullanımı ve isim kullanımı arasındaki dikkat çeken farkı şu örnekle açıklayabilriz. ‘‘Ali Ayşe’ye ikram ediyor.’’ Bu cümleden Ali’nin Ayşe’ye bu gün ikram ettiği anlamı çıkacağı gibi yarın ikram etmeyebilir anlamı da çıkar. Ancak ‘‘Ali cömerttir’’ denildiğinde Ali bu gün de böyledir yarın da böyledir. Bu araştırma, fiil ve isimdeki bu özelliği Kur’an’dan seçtiği ayetlerle ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Araştırmada bir kelimenin aynı ayette, hem isim hem de fiil olarak kullanıldığı yerler seçildi. Aynı zamanda bir kelimenin bir ayette isim, başka bir ayette fiil olarak kullanıldığı yerler seçildi . Araştırmada konu ele alınırken, ilgili ayetlerin seçimiyle başlayan, başka ayetlerle karşılaştırmayla devam eden ve bağlam çerçevesini dikkate alan analizci yöntem kullanılmıştır. Bu yöntemle kur’anbelagatının eşsizliği ortaya koyulmuştur.


The rhetoric of the Quran has been searched for centuries by linguists. From the beginning of these studyings it has been seen that the Quran has an effective and rhytmic language. And today the linguists focus on the perfect harmony between the verses in Quran. Whoever reads the Quran, he can feel this perfect harmony. The beauty in the usage of vocabulary is remarkable and sensibility is also noticeable. The vocabularies are used in an effective way which was supported by rhetoric.The meaning of the Quranic verses get stronger by the help of eloquence art. Because in the Quran Allah talks to the human beings and he shows them the correct way to make him pleasant and he uses a miracle language. Because the Quran is Allah’s words, it’s not possible to change a vocabulary with another one whether it is the synonym of the vocabulary. When someone tries to create the same meaning by changing some vocabularies in the verses, he can not succeed it. It is certain that it is not possible to compose a book like Quran. This example shows that Quran is a miracle book which has been sent as a quide for all human beings. In this research nominal and verbal rhetoric have been seen clearly. The effects of the verbs and the nouns in the Quran have been discussed. We often see several vocabularies in Quran which are sometimes used as nouns and sometimes as verbs. In Arabic a word can be both a verb and a noun. The same vocabulary can be used as a noun in someverses but the same vocabulary can be used as a verb in the different verses. This situation shows us the rhetorical richness and the power of the meaning. Arabic is a rich language with its rhetoric and conjugating of verbs. All these features of Arabic are seen in Quran clearly. The linguists are astonished when they dintinquish these features of Arabic. As a result they are impressed deeply. For many centuries linguists have been studying the rhetoric of Arabic and it will be studied until the end of the world. All these explanations show that the Quran is universal. The difference between the usage of verbs and nouns in Arabic can be explained with these examples: Ali is ordering something to Aysha. When we deal with this sentence we can understand that Ali is ordering something now.We don’t know whether he will order something tomorrow or not. This sentence is valid now. We aren’t sure if Ali will order something tomorrow or not. When we talk about the action which is happening now, we have an idea what is happining now. But when we say Ali is generous, we understand that he is generous now and tomorrow. This sentence doesn’t tell us only what is happining now. We may understand that he is always generous. This research has been show that the features of verbs and nouns by choosing Quranicverses. In this research a vocabulary which is used in a verse of Quran as a nounand at thesame time as a verb. At the same time the reare several examples related to vocabularies which are nouns in a verse and in to turn verbs in a different verse. In this research the quranic verses have been compared with each other point of view analyzing method. With the analyzing method the uniqueness of Quran has been illustrated.


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