الشباب الريفى وثقافة المخدرات دراسة حالة فى قرية مصرية


Number of pages:
2018-Volume 13 Issue  3

نالت ظاهرة المخدرات– وما تزال– اهتماما كبيرًا من جانب المتخصصين فى العلوم الإنسانية عامة، وفى علم الاجتماع وعلم النفس والاقتصاد تحديدًا، على كافة المستويات العالمية والقومية والمحلية، ولعل إطلاق مؤتمر "الخطة الوطنية لخفض الطلب على المخدرات فى مصر" برعاية السيد رئيس الوزراء فى 9 مايو 2015 خير دليل على ذلك. ويرتبط هذا الاهتمام فى ضوء ما شهده – ومايزال – يشهده المجتمع المصرى من تغيرات سريعة ومتلاحقة سواء أكانت على المستوى الاجتماعى والاقتصادى والسياسى خلال العقود الأخيرة الماضية ، تلك التغيرات والتحولات التى انعكست بشكل عام على أنماط التفاعل الاجتماعى والسلوك اليومى؛ ومن ثم أثرت على بنية المجتمع المصرى ، وبداخله القرية المصرية.


The phenomenon of drugs - and still - the great attention of specialists in the humanities in general, and in sociology, psychology and economy specifically, at all levels of global, national and local, and the launch of the conference, "National Plan to reduce the demand for drugs in Egypt," under the auspices of the Prime Minister in May 9, 2015 The best proof of this. This concern is linked to the rapid and successive changes witnessed by the Egyptian society, whether at the social, economic and political levels during the last few decades. These changes and transformations were generally reflected in the patterns of social interaction and daily behavior, thus affecting the structure of Egyptian society , And inside the Egyptian village. The village has its old traditional character, which is no longer the old village in its traditional form, whether on the external level in relation to the cities and surrounding centers or at the level of social relations. And building values within the village, so that we are in a different form of the Egyptian village (1). There is no doubt that the magnitude of these social changes, and the pace of their occurrence was rapid and successive, and therefore caused a decline in the ability of various systems in the village of Egypt has not been absorbed; hence the emergence of acute problems accompanied by the intensity of the pace of those changes. Perhaps the change in societal behavior and its reflection on culture represents a frame of reference for the meaning of change that includes the life of the community. These cultural and social changes are population growth, ecological and environmental changes, migration to societies with cultures that are different from the customs, traditions and cultures of the village society,


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