مشاعر الاغتراب النفسي عند الشباب وعلاقته بالاعتماد على المخدرات


Number of pages:
2018-Volume 13 Issue  3

ظهور ظاهرة المخدرات عالميا كان مع تعقد الظروف الاجتماعية وزيادة الضغوط النفسية والأعباء الاقتصادية، ومجتمعنا العربي و الجزائري بصفة خاصة مجتمع غير منقطع الصلة بغيره من المجتمعات بصفة عامة. ونظرا لتفاقم الظاهرة عالميا ومحليا، فقد حظيت باهتمام واضح من قبل الباحثين، فكانت دراسة إيمان عبد الله البنا (1992) حيث قامت بدراسة دينامية العلاقة بين الاغتراب وتعاطي المواد المخدرة لدى طلاب الجامعية (75) طالب مدمن، و(75) طالب غير مدمن، وطبقت مقياس الاغتراب حسب مالفين وكذلك مقياس روتر للضبط واختبار التصور للمستقبل وأسفرت النتائج أن هناك فروق دالة إحصائيا في مقياس الاغتراب والاعتقاد في الضبط الخارجي بين المدمنين وغير المدمنين لصالح المدمنين خاصة في الأبعاد الفرعية (التشيؤ، اللامعيارية،العجز، اللاهدف).


The global emergence of the phenomenon of drugs is due to the complexity of social conditions and the increase of the psychological pressure and economic burdens. Yet, the Arab society in general and Algeria in particular are also concerned with these intricacies. As a matter of fact, the phenomenon has received a clear interest from the researchers and our study indeed aims at enriching this field of research which takes into account also the expatriation of young people is the result of unconscious separation from oneself and others. In contrast, the choice of anesthetic is of its own accord and thanks to it, he separates himself from its reality, Thus, is narcotic substance a symbolic substance used by the young man to flee his real feelings of alienation? To clarify this problem we ask the following question: is there a statistically significant correlation between psychological feelings of alienation and dependence on drugs. In order to achieve the objectives of the research and to reach objective results, we relied on the measure of feelings of psychological alienation. We targeted a sample of 120 young people who were adopted and not dependent on drugs. This sample population was targeted and individuals between the ages of 15 and 25 were selected for drugs regardless of drug type. The non-drug-based group was also intended. The study showed a statistically significant correlation between psychological feelings of alienation and dependence on drugs


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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