Ta‘Likîzâde Mehmed Subhî’nin Firâset-Nâme’si


Number of pages:
2017-Volume 12 Issue 5

16. yüzyılın önemli simalarından biri olan Ta‘likîzâde Mehmed Subhî (1540?-1606?),


Ta‘likîzâde Mehmed Subhî, who was one of the important favor of the 16th century, has performed the works named imperial council clerkship and shahnama authorship. Ta‘likîzâde, known with his historian identity wrote out the works named Revâniyye, Tabrîziyye, Shahnâma, Shahnâma of Yanik Expedition, and Shahnâma of Egri Expedition which are mentioning the expeditions mainly in which he personally attended. Various studies have been performed upon the history subjected works of the author. But till today any study has been performed upon Firâset-nâme which was most probably the first work of the Ta‘likîzâde’s authorship career. The single known copy of the work has been registered in Bibliotheque Nationale, Turc. No. 1055. Ta‘likîzâde wrote out this work with the request of Murad III (sult. 1574-1595) and has presented one of its nice copy to the emperor within the first period of the sultanate -most probably- prepared in palace’s calligrapher house. This work in basic was written out as prosaic but it contains a lot of copy right or cited Arabic or Persian and less Turkish poems/poem parts. In this study, it will be tried to introduce the subject work of Ta‘likîzâde Mehmed Subhî. In this context, first and foremost general information as to the literature genre of firâsetnâme will be provided and subsequently information regarding evidences required to make deductions and ancillary sciences as to firâset which are applied during the interpretation process of such evidences will be furnished. Furthermore, its reflections within the Eastern and Western societies and the modification thereof in the Islamic civilization will be discussed. Subsequently, a handwritten copy of the work will be introduced and information as to the content thereof will be provided and the work’s authenticity and its place in the firâsetname literature genre will be tried to be determined.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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