İşbirlikli Öğrenmenin Öğrenme Stillerine Etkisi


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2016-Volume 11 Issue 9

Bu araştırmada işbirlikli öğrenme yöntemi jigsaw tekniğine göre hazırlanan etkinlikler ile öğrencilerin tercih etmiş oldukları rekabetçi, bağımlı ve kaçınan stilleri değiştirmek amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma deneme öncesi modellerden tek grup ön test son test modelinde bir araştırmadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu Ağrı ili Eleşkirt ilçesine bağlı Atatürk İlkokulu 4/A sınıfında öğrenim gören 21 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Araştırma verilerini elde etmek için Kişisel Bilgi Formu ve Grasha-Reichmann Öğrenme Stilleri Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçek Uzuntiryaki, Bilgin ve Geban (2003) tarafından Türkçe’ ye çevrilmiş olup 5’li likert tipindedir. Araştırmada elde edilen verilerin analizinde ortalama, frekans analizi ve sample paired test (ilişkili iki örneklem t testi) kullanılmıştır. Çalışma grubunun ön testte tercih etmiş oldukları stillerin oranları şu şekildedir: Rekabetçi, bağımlı ve işbirlikçi %23,8, katılımcı %14,3, kaçınan % 9,5 ve bağımsız stil ise % 4,8‘ dir. Son testte stillerin tercih edilme durumları ise; rekabetçi %9,5, bağımlı %4,8, işbirlikçi %38,1, katılımcı %23,8 kaçınan %4,8 ve bağımsız stil % 19 olarak tespit edilmiştir. İşbirlikli öğrenme yöntemine göre hazırlanan etkinliklerle çalışma grubunda bulunan 17 öğrencinin öğrenme stili değişmiştir. Bu değişimler çoğunlukla amaçlanan yönde olsa da amaçlanmayan değişimlerde olmuştur. İlişkisel İki Örneklem t Testi sonuçlarına göre kaçınan, rekabetçi ve bağımlı stil puan ortalamalarının istatistiksel olarak anlamlı derecede düştüğü sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. (p<.05) Ancak işbirlikçi, katılımcı ve bağımsız stil puan ortalamalarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir farklılık tespit edilmemiştir. (p>.05)


This study aims to change the competitive, dependent and avoider styles of learners through the tasks prepared according to explore the cooperative learning jigsaw technique. The study adopted single group pre-test post-test experimental research design. The sample is 21 4th gadre students in Atatürk Primary School in the borough of Eleşkirt in Agri. The data was collected through Personal Information Form and Reichmann Learning Styles Scale. This 5-point likert scale was translated into Turkish by Uzuntiryaki, Bilgin ve Geban (2003). The data analysis was performed through descriptive statistics – mean, frequency – and paired sample t-test. The results showed that the percantages of the learning styles of the sample group in the pre-test were as following: competitive, dependent and cooperative 23.8%; participatory 14.3%, avoider 9.5% and self-directed 4.8%. For the post-test, the results were competitive 9.5%, dependent, 4.8%, cooperative 38.1%, participatory 23.8%, avoider 4.8% and self-directed 19%. The learning styles of the 17 students in the experimental group have changed as a result of the tasks designed according to the cooperative learning in the intervention. Most of the changes are in line with the objectives however there are some which can be considered as unexpected. According to the paired sample t-test results, there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results in terms of avodier, competitive and dependent styles (p<.05). However, the results for cooperative, participatory and self-direct styles are insignificant (p>.05). Abstract The Effect Of Cooperative Learning On Learning Styles This study aims to change the competitive, dependent and avoider styles of learners through the tasks prepared according to explore the cooperative learning jigsaw technique. The study adopted single group pre-test post-test experimental research design. The sample is 21 4th gadre students in Atatürk Primary School in the borough of Eleşkirt in Agri. The data was collected through Personal Information Form and Reichmann Learning Styles Scale. This 5-point likert scale was translated into Turkish by Uzuntiryaki, Bilgin ve Geban (2003). The data analysis was performed through descriptive statistics – mean, frequency – and paired sample t-test. The results showed that the percantages of the learning styles of the sample group in the pre-test were as following: competitive, dependent and cooperative 23.8%; participatory 14.3%, avoider 9.5% and self-directed 4.8%. For the post-test, the results were competitive 9.5%, dependent, 4.8%, cooperative 38.1%, participatory 23.8%, avoider 4.8% and self-directed 19%. The learning styles of the 17 students in the experimental group have changed as a result of the tasks designed according to the cooperative learning in the intervention. Most of the changes are in line with the objectives however there are some which can be considered as unexpected. According to the paired sample t-test results, there is a statistically significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results in terms of avodier, competitive and dependent styles (p<.05). However, the results for cooperative, participatory and self-direct styles are insignificant (p>.05).


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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