Yunus Emre ve Eğirdir'li Şeyh Mehmed Çelebi Divanları Örnekliğinde Tasavvufi Türk Şiirinde Ortak Düşünce Yapılarının Tespiti Denemesi


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 12

Türk tekke şiiri metinlerindeki düşünce yapıları ve bunların şairden şaire ne gibi şekillere girdikleri konusunu ele alan çalışmalar bu edebi gelenek kadar Türkçe'nin dil potansiyelini tespit etmede önemli katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmalar aynı zamanda diğer bir Türk şiir geleneği, klasik Türk edebiyatı ile tekke şiiri geleneğinin benzeşen ve ayrışan yönlerini görmeye de zemin oluşturacaktır. Bu çalışmada tekke şiiri geleneğinin kurucusu kabul edilen Yunus Emre ile ondan bir asır sonra dünyaya gelen Eğirdir'li Mehmed Çelebi dîvânları, bu iki şair arasında müşterek düşünce yapıları ve ifadelerinin olup olmadığı, tekke şiiri geleneğinde bu anlamda bir devamlılığın bulunup bulunmadığını tespit etme amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışma bahsi geçen iki Türk şiir geleneğindeki düşünce yapılarını tespite yönelik çalışmaların zeminini oluşturmada küçük bir örnek olacaktır.


Literary traditions are constituted by rules peculiar to them. Classical Turkish poetry is not exempt from that trait. In this tradition, many metaphors and elements of poetic thougt were presented mostly by Persian classical literary tradition, which were called as "ortak malzeme" (common elements of thought in poetry), and poets were expected to use them. Although this was helpful for them on the one hand, it was also restrictive on the other. Poets were expected to create new poetic thoughts based on those pre-ordained elements. Along side of the classical Turkish poetry, there has been another tradition of poetry, namely Turkish of sufi poetry. Though they were totally apart in terms of subject matter of the beloved, they had many in common, especially in describing "love" itself. Therefore, it is worth to investigate what they had in common. These two traditions of poetry were influencing one another, and there were many who had poetic works in both traditons. To be able to find out what they shared, metaphors and elements of poetic thought of sufi poetry need to disclosed first. In that investigation, there are certain questions to look for answers as well; like, have there been common elements of thought and metaphors in sufi poetry; were they changing from one poet to another. Searching these subjects will help reveal the potentials of expression of Turkish language as well. The aim of this paper is to try to investigate to find answers to those questions through poems of two significant sufi poets; one Yunus Emre (d. 1320/1), and the other Shaykh Mehmed Chalabi (d. 1494). The latter expresses great respect and fondness in his poems for the previous. In doing so, I'll not only look into the content of their poems, but also forms of them, which is necessary to see and compare the full pictures of these two traditions.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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