Klasik Türk Şiirinde Denizcilik Terimleriyle Yazılmış Bilinmeyen Şiirler-1


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 16

Geleneğin kendilerine çizmiş olduğu çerçeve içerisinde şiirde mükemmelliği yakalama niyetinde olan


Divan Literature poets aiming to reach perfection within the framework drawn for them by the tradition both tried to realize this goal and embarked on a search for novelty and difference in the poem. Among the materials and elements Divan poets used in their poems as a result of their search for difference, some sciences, professions, and terms and phrases belonging thereto play quite a large role. The poems written about a lot of fields such as medicine, music, calligraphy, horse breeding, archery, Turkish bath attendancy, butchery and confectionery, or written using the words or phrases belonging to these fieldscan be given as the examples of the Divan poets’ relevant search for difference. As a result of this search for difference again, along with many other fields, Divan poets wrote a variety of poems about seamanship and seafaring as well. The poems written using nautical terms in Turkish Classic Literature have emerged as of 16th century, during which the Ottoman command of the sea made itself felt to a great extent, and there has been a considerable increase in the number of poems in this genre. Even though it was Yetîm who first wrote poems using nautical terms in that period, the qasida (encomium) by Âgehî had a huge role in popularizing the poems in this genre and virtually bringing writing of the poems in this genre into vogue in his own time.A great deal of contemporary and later poets responded in kind or wrote quintainsin response to this qasida (encomium) by Âgehî in which he had used nautical and seamanship terms very skilfully. Derûnî, Taşlıcalı Yahya, Aşkî, İlâhî and Molla Gubârî responded in kind while Molla Mehemmed and Za’fî wrote quintainsin response to this nautical qasida (encomium) by Âgehî by which he had virtually led the way to some sort of fashion. This study focuses on the responses in kind by Ni’metî and Refîk to Âgehî’s qasida, and on the quintain written by Fâ’ikî in response to the qasida written by Aşkî as a response in kind to Âgehî’s all of which were found upon a set of scans through journals. The study first remarks on the lives of these poets, and then deals with the form and content of the nautical poems by these poets and displays the transcribed texts of the relevant poems.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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