Kâtib Davud'un İstanbul ve Vize Şehrengizi


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 12

Şehrengizler yerleşim yerlerini konu edinen eserlerdir. Türk edebiyatında 16. yüzyıldan itibaren yazılmaya başlanan bu eserlerde bir şehrin güzelliklerinden ve şehirdeki güzellerden söz edilir. Yazıldıkları dönemin kültürel hayatına dair önemli bilgiler içeren bu eserler, çoğunlukla mesnevi nazım şekliyle yazılmıştır. İçinde farklı nazım şekilleriyle yazılan şiirlere de yer verilen şehrengizlerin dili pek çok türe göre sade sayılır. İstanbul, Vize ve Çorlu’nun söz konusu edildiği, İstanbul ve Vize Şehrengizi adıyla tanınan eserin müellifi, Çorlulu ya da Ergene köprüsü yakınında bir kasabadan olduğu kabul edilen Katip Davud’dur. Rûmî mahlasını da kullandığı bilinen şairin mesleği katipliktir ve bu eserinde Kâtib mahlasını kullanmıştır. Eser, Yavuz Sultan Selim döneminde H. 919 (M. 1513) yılında telif ve istinsah edilmiştir. Şehrengiz’de Yavuz Sultan Selim’e yazılan bir de kaside yer almaktadır. Mesnevi nazım şekliyle yazılan eserin içinde bir kaside ve otuz beş de gazel olmak üzere otuz altı manzume yer almaktadır. Aruz vezniyle yazılan eserde, içindeki farklı nazım şekillerinde kullanılan kalıplarla birlikte sekiz aruz kalıbının kullanıldığı görülür. Tek nüshası Nuruosmaniye Kütüphanesi 4086/2 numarada kayıtlı eserin ne kadarlık bir bölüm olduğu belli olmamakla birlikte baş tarafı eksiktir. Eldeki eksik nüshaya göre eser 682 beyittir. Bu beyit sayısı bile bilenen şehrengizlere göre oldukça hacimli bir şehrengiz olduğunu göstermektedir. Sergüzeştnâme biçiminde kaleme alınan eserin baş kişisi şairin kendisidir. Önce İstanbul’u ve İstanbul’un güzelliklerini anlatan şair, oradan Ergene ırmağı civarına, ardından Vize’ye, Çorlu’ya ve oradan da İstanbul’a geçmiş; gezdiği yerlerdeki güzellikleri ve güzelleri eserinde anlatmıştır. İstanbul’da Galata, Eyüp, Vefa semtleri ile Ayasofya, Yeni Cami, üzerinde en çok durulan yerlerdir. Bu makalede şehrengiz türü ve Kâtib Davud’un hayatı ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiş, eserin şekil ve muhteva hususiyetleri üzerinde durulmuş ve son bölümde de eserin bilinen tek nüshasına dayanılarak metni ortaya konmuştur.


Sehrengizs are works that refer to the settlements.These works rave about beauties of and in the city as from 16th century when these worksbegan to be written. Mostly written in mesnevi verse form and contain vital information about the cultural living of the era they were written. Notwithstanding Sehrengizs includes poems in different verse forms, they are considered stark by many varied types.Davud the Scribe who is considered to be from Çorlu or a town near Ergene bridge; is author of the work known as Istanbul and Vize Sehrengiz which mentions Istanbul, Vize and Çorlu. Inscribe of his profession as scribe, poet who also known to have been using pen name Rumi, used The Scribe pen name in the mentioned work. The work copyrighted and copied during the period of Sultan Selim in Hijri 919 (1513 as Gregorian calendar) year. Sehrengiz also contains a eulogy was written for Yavuz Sultan Selim. The work thatwas written in the Mesnevi verse form consists of total thirty-six poems as one eulogy and thirty-five odes.Work was written in aruz prosody and it can be seen to be used eight aruz form in conjunction with the different verse forms. Only copy of the work is registered in Nuruosmaniye Library number 4086/2, number of its chapters is unknown with the missing head chapter. This partial copy consists of 682 couplets. Even number of coupletssuggests that this sehrengiz has higher volume rather than other sehrengizs which couplet numbers are known. Main person of the work that was written in the form of Sergüzeştname (Adventure Letters), is the poet himself. Poet first described Istanbul and beauties of İstanbul, than he travelled to Ergene river vicinity then Vize, Çorlu and Istanbul; he described the beauties of and in these places in his work. Commonly he emphasized Galata, Eyüp, Vefa district, Hagia Sophia and Yeni Cami in Istanbul. This article provides information about the type of sehrengiz, life of Davud the Scribe, has been focused on form and content of the work and in the last part text of the workwas set out on the basis of the only copy of the work known. Introduction Other than biladiyes (Works describing towns) and sahilnames (Works describing coasts) sehrengizs are the works narrate settlements in Divan literature. Word of sehrengiz means “city confounder” formed by combination of sehr (şehir-city) and engiz (harekete getiren-karıştıran/stimulates-confounds) words and these poetics as a literary genre narrates the natural and historical beauties, social features and beautiful people in the city. Author, Davud the Scribe According to Sehî Bey and Ahmed Badi Efendi, he was born in a town near by Ergene bridge when some sources say he was born in Çorlu, his original name is Davud and is a one of the poets of Kanuni Sultan Suleiman era. Hereunder the poet was born in Çorlu or a town near the Ergene Bridge. Although his real name was Davud, the poet has used Scribe pen name in addition to the Rumi due to his profession. He lived during the reigns of Bayezid the second, Selim the first and Kanuni Sultan Suleiman. He worked as the council clerk for Rumeli governor and has been owned fiefdom. As well as it’s unknown whether he had a council, in the collection of biographies there exists a quadripartite (murabba) along with his two works as far as is known. Davud the Scribe also wrote mesnevi Şirin ü Perviz besides Istanbul and Vize Sehrengiz, which is subject of this article. Istanbul and Vize Sehrengiz The work known by the name of Istanbul and Vize Sehrengiz was written in mesnevi verse form. It consists of thirty-six poems including one eulogy and thirty-five odes. As noted above Sehrengiz’s head chapter is missing. Poet first described the Hagia Sophia and Galata districts while mentioning beautiful people. It was mentioned that he come across Mustafa Bey, who is focused in the work, in Yeni Cami in Ramadan and after Taraweeh prayers their visit to Çorlu and Vize with one of his friends. Vize and surroundings were


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