Sinan Paşa’nın Tazarru’nâme’sinin Vatikan Nüshası


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 12

Sinan Paşa, 15. yüzyılda Fatih ve II. Bayezid dönemlerine damgasını vurmuş hem ilmî, hem dinî, hem edebî hem de sanatsal yönü olan mühim bir şahsiyettir. Arapça ve Türkçe yazılmış eserlerinin arasında mümtaz bir yeri olan Tazarru’nâme’sini kendine has bir üslupla kaleme almış ve bu eser yüzyıllar boyunca günümüze kadar okunagelmiştir. Bu eserde Sinan Paşa’nın Cenâb-ı Hakk’a karşı samimî yakarışlarını, ruhî çırpınışlarını, iç muhasebesini görürüz. O, kitabı yazarken âdetâ cezbe hâlindedir. Türkiye ve dünyanın farklı yerlerinde pek çok nüshası olan Tazarru’nâme’nin, dünyanın en önemli ve büyük kütüphanelerinden biri sayılan Vatikan Kütüphanesi’nde de bir nüshasının bulunması, 2012 ve 2013 yıllarında araştırma için gittiğimiz Roma ve dolayısıyla Vatikan’da dikkatimizi çekmişti. Kütüphanedeki incelemelerimizde bu nüshayı gözden geçirme imkânı bulduk. 1643-1644 yıllarında istinsah edilmiş bu nüshanın Vatikan Kütüphanesi’nde yer alması, tarihî dönemlerde İtalya ile Osmanlı Devleti arasındaki kültürel ve ticarî ilişkileri göstermesi bakımından bize bir ipucu verebilir. Bu ilişkiler günümüzde maalesef arka plana atılmaktadır. Özellikle genç araştırıcıların Osmanlı Devleti’nin geçmişte en çok ilgi kurduğu İtalya’ya yönlenmesi ve yönlendirilmesi kültürümüz açısından çok faydalı olacaktır. Kendi kültürümüze ait bir kitabın nüshasının dünyanın en önemli merkezlerinden olan Vatikan’da yer alması en azından Türk araştırmacıları İtalya’da inceleme yapma konusunda teşvik edecektir. Makalemizde; Vatikan’da bulunan Tazarru’nâme nüshasından bazı örnekler verilerek, nüsha ilim âlemine tanıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. Nüsha 141 varaktır ve her sayfada 17 satır bulunmaktadır. İlim âleminde pek bilinmeyen bu nüshanın dikkatlere sunulması, ileriki yıllarda Tazarrunâme ile ilgili yapılacak çalışmalarda en azından bu nüshanın da değerlendirmelere alınacağını göstermesi bakımından önemlidir.


The Vatican Copy of Sinan Pasha’s Tazarru?nâme Sinan Pasha, who comes from a noble family, is a significant person, having both religious and scientific knowledge, and left his mark on the Fatih and Bayezid II eras in the 15th century. He wrote his works in both Arabic and Turkish. While he wrote his Arabic works during Fatih Sultan Mehmet period, the Turkish ones were written during Bayezid II’s time. He wrote Tazarru?nâme, which has a significant place among his works, in a unique style and this book has been read over for centuries. In fact, this work is a kind of masterpiece of art. Its perfectly unique style has always been imitated but has not been able to be surpassed so far. Decorated sometimes with Arabic and Persian words and phrases and sometimes with simple Turkish words and phrases, its style gives the reader the feeling of sailing to different horizons. In this work we encounter with Sinan Pasha’s sincere prayers to God and his casuistry. We can easily say that the work is a prose of insight. Sinan Pasha is one of the leading representatives of “aureate writing” style in Turkish Literature. Also his knowledge is very profound. He took lessons from famous scientist Ali Kuşçu. Sinan Pasha was very prominent in geometry. When his Arabic books and tractates are considered, the profundity of his scientific knowledge is visible. He also has a treatise on atoms. In fact, Sinan Pasha is an artist, who combined religious, scientific and literary aspects in himself. Since Tazarru’nâme, which has many copies throughout the World, is the first example of aureate writing, it was a difficult task to introduce it to the contemporary academic world. This difficult task could only be done by Prof. Mertol Tulum, who is one of the significant members of Turcology. Tulum’s work was published by the Ministry of National Education (Ankara 2001, 408 s.). Sinan Pasha’s work, written as an open and easy prose, is a poem-like prose. In this work of prose, it is also possible to find pieces written in verse. Internal rhyme called Secî almost transforms the work into a poem. Transitions and order between the sentences are some of the important factors that attract (our) attention. In this work, which gives the impression that it was written during a mystical contemplation, we feel Sinan Pasha 's stance before Allah Almighty, and find clues about how he performs his (religious) duty and the expression of his inner feelings. Also in this work, we see the inability and inadequacy of human beings before Allah. Here, address is towards the almighty creator. Holy Quran verses and hadiths on the subject are also found in the work. To enable more people to understand Sinan Pasha’s sincere orison’s to God, Prof. Dr. Mertol Tulum translated this work, written in the 15th century, into contemporary Turkish under the title of Yakarışlar (orisons) and this translation was published by Turkish Religious Foundation in 2012 (İstanbul, 650s.). The presence of a copy of Tazarru?nâme in the Vatican Library, which is one of the most important and the largest libraries in the World, drew our attention to the work during our research in 2012 and 2013. We found a chance to go over that copy during our research in the library. The presence of that copy, written during the years 1643-44 in Vatican Library gives us a hint about the extent to which cultural and business connections reached between Ottoman Empire and Italy throughout history. It is a well-known fact that we had important cultural, academic and business connections with Italian city-states and France during the Ottoman Empire. Especially, it would bring many benefits in terms of our culture if the young researchers pay more attention to the cultural works in Italy, with which Ottoman Empire had a strong relationship throughout its long history. We are of the opinion that the presence of a book belonging to our culture in Vatican would encourage Turkish researchers for conducting research studies


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