Eski Anadolu Türkçesiyle Yazılmış Bir Muhasebe Matematiği Eserinin Dili ve Eserdeki Matematik Terimleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Bu çalışmada Eski Anadolu Türkçesiyle tarihlendirilebilecek, muhasebe matematiği alanında yazılmış Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id’de geçen matematik terimleri incelenmiştir. Eserdeki matematik terimleri dil bilgisi özelliklerine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Böylece Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde farklı bilim dallarında eser veren âlimlerin bu bilim alanıyla ilgili terim ve kavramları karşılarken dil malzemesini nasıl kullandığı bir kez daha gün ışığına çıkarılmıştır. Farklı bilim dallarına ait bu tür eserlerdeki terminolojinin açığa çıkması Türkçenin bilim dili olarak günümüze geliş sürecindeki aşamalardan birini daha aydınlatmıştır. Çalışmamızdan yola çıkarak, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde matematik alanında Türkçenin henüz terim karşılığı olarak çok fazla kullanılmadığını; daha çok Arapça-Farsça terimlerin açıklayıcısı olarak kullanıldığını söyleyebiliriz. Eski Anadolu Türkçesinde bilim diline ait söz varlığının genişlemesinde çevirinin, Türkçenin yapı özelliği olarak türetme ve birleşik şekillerin ne denli önemli bir yeri olduğu bir kez daha ortaya konmuştur. Eserde geçen terimler açıklamalarıyla çalışmamızda yer almıştır. Terimlerin anlamlandırılmasında eserin açıklayıcı, didaktik üslubu bir kaynak teşkil etmiştir. Eserde matematik terimleriyle birlikte dönemin ölçü birimleri ve bunlarla ilgili açıklamalara da çokça yer verilmiştir. Ancak bu çalışmada ölçü birimleri incelenmemiştir. Bu yazıda öncelikle Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id’de geçen matematik alanıyla ilgili terimlere, bir bilim alanıyla ilgili terminolojinin 15. yüzyıl sonundaki kullanımına, Eski Anadolu Türkçesi döneminde matematik alanıyla ilgili dil malzemesine işaret edilmek istenmiştir.


The mathematics terminology used in Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id, a book about mathematics of accounting written in the second half of 15th century, which could be dated to Ancient Anatolian Turkish, was analyzed in this study. The mathematics terminology in the work were classified in accordance with their linguistic characteristics. Thereby, the way scholars, who produced works in different fields of science in Ancient Anatolian Turkish era, used the material of language while corresponding the terminology and concepts related to this scientific field were brought to light. Disclosure of the terminology used in such works regarding various scientific fields has enlightened another phase in the progress of Turkish up to date as a language of science. On the basis of our study, we could say that Turkish wasn't widely used as term equivalent in mathematics during Ancient Anatolian Turkish period, rather it was used as a description of Arabic - Persian terminology. Once more it was revealed that translation and derivation and compound forms as structural characteristics of Turkish had a critical importance in expansion of vocabulary regarding language of science in Ancient Anatolian Turkish. The terminology used in the work and their explanations are included in our study. The explanatory and didactic tone of the work constituted a resource in defining the terminology. Also, the work frequently includes the unit of measure of the period and explanations related to hem. However this study doesn’t include units of measure. Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id, written by Hacı Atmacaoğlu Muhyeddin Muhammed, one of the scholars of Fatih and Bayezıid 2 era, on mathematics of accounting (ilm-i hesap) in the second half of 15th century (1494), is one of the works which illustrates its use in terms of scientific language in this century. Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id includes subjects related to accounting science. In other words, it is about "technical mathematics" used in Ottoman accounting system by council officers and companions. The book consists three sections. First section is on whole numbers, the second section is on fractions. There are forty problems with solutions in the third section. There are more than twenty copies of this mathematics book which explains the subjects needed by companions in a clear style, both in Turkish libraries and abroad. The reason which Muhyeddin Muhammed compiled Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id’i was to provide a temporary Turkish work for companions who were new to the accounting field. The writer explains that, he examined many "superior" books in this field, however he couldn't make use of these as they were compiles in Arabic and Persian. The reason that make him take action was to provide a comprehensive and Turkish resource for the newbies as well as accounting class. Until the period Mecma‘ü’l-Kavâ‘id was compiled the accounting works were generally run by people who represent the heritage of Selcuklu and Beyliks through resources in Arabic and Persian. In this period, the accounting system predominating Anatolia and the people running this system were of Persian origin. After the conquest, Ottoman accounting system started to produce its own resources. As accounting class was composed of Turkish bureaucrats and apprentices, the books in the beginner level were compiled in Turkish. We could see that Turkish equivalents of terminology were sought in various scientific works written or translated in Ancient Anatolian Turkish and when Arabic - Persian terms were used, Turkish explanations were added so that target audience could understand it. In terms of Mathematics terminology, some of the terminology (carryover, percentage, units, tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands) we use today were translated into Turkish as of 15th century. These new terms brought in Turkish expanded the vocabulary of Turkish and the explanations of the terminology are important to demonstrate expressional capabilities of Turkish language. Mathematics terminol


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