Kilis İli Ağızlarının Ses Bilgisi Özellikleri Üzerine


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Dil, ana fonksiyonuyla insanlar arası iletişimi sağlayan, seslerden örülü bir sistemdir. Ancak görevi ve önemi bununla sınırlı olmayıp bundan hareketle milletlerin oluşumuna katkı sunan, milletleri millet yapan ana unsurları nesillerden nesillere taşıyan çok önemli bir sosyal kurumdur. Bu sosyal fonksiyonunu yerine getirme görevini ise esas itibariyle konuşma dili üstlenirken yazı dili de buna katkıda bulunur. Kültürün ana taşıyıcısı olan konuşma dili, yazı dili haline gelemediğinde zamanla kaybolmakta; bu da bazı kültürel birikimlerin zamanla unutulması sonucunu doğurmakta; toplumun birleştirici harcı durumundaki bu unsurların kaybı, başka sosyolojik ve toplumsal sorunların ortaya çıkmasına yol açmaktadır. Bu yüzden dilin bütün unsurlarıyla birlikte varlığını sürdürürken yazıya geçirilmesi pek çok açıdan büyük önem taşımaktadır. Kısacası dil üzerine söylenecek her söz, dil yanında sosyoloji, tarih, folklor, etnoloji gibi sosyal bilimlerin her alanını ilgilendirir, onlara da veri sağlar; bu da ağız çalışmalarının önemini bir kez daha gözler önüne serer. Dolayısıyla bir ağız çalışması olan bu makalemizde sunacağımız verilerin, dil başta olmak üzere sosyal bilimlerin pek çok alanına katkıda bulunacağını inanıyoruz. Çalışmamız Kilis ili ağızlarının merkez, ilçe ve köylerinde yaptığımız saha çalışmasına dayanmaktadır. Derlenen metinler içinden örnek olarak seçtiklerimizden hareketle yörenin ses bilgisi özellikleri ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır.


Language, which is the main function enabling the communication between people, is a system weaved by sounds. Nevertheless its role and importance is not limited with this; moreover it is a social foundation which supports the formation of the nations and disseminate the main factors of the nation’s very foundations from generation to generation. Meanwhile Main task of fulfilling this social function is taken by spoken language, written language supports it. When the spoken language, the main bearer of the culture, fails to become a written language, it fades over time, this situation will cause some of the accumulated cultural wealth to be lost and lost of these elements of the society’s cement will cause other sociological problems. Thus, the language’s phasing into written language with its all elements is quite important. In brief, all the things said about the language is also related to social sciences like sociology, history, folklore, ethnology. So, we believe that our essay, which is an study of dialect, will make contribution to social science, particularly in language. Among Turkey’s Turkish local dialects, dialects of Kilis province was not studied enough. Our study based on fieldwork studies which we made in Kilis province, it's countries and it's villages. On the basis of examples which we choosed from compiled texts, phonetic properties of the region are tried to be presented. Due to fact that, until 1995, Kilis was a district of Gaziantep province so it was estimated as part of Gaziantep subdialect and approached within Gaziantep dialect. But, Ahmet Caferoğlu (1946: 565) mentioned three sub groups of Gaziantep dialect as “centre, Kilis and surroundings, Turkmen phratry” in his work “Anadolu Dialektolojisine Dair Deneme” and separated Kilis dialect from Gazitantep's dialect. Kilis dialect is separated from Gaziantep dialect in terms of some dialect features as mentioned by A. Caferoğlu. The most significant distinction is at use of present tense suffix. As part of western dialects, Gaziantep dialect uses present tense suffixes as -i/ -iy, -yı /-yi, -yu /-yü, -yer /-yér / -yir /-yr, -yo/ -yo- yö (Karahan 1996: 142, 144-145), on the other hand Kilis dialect -or form central subdialect, besides especially at Polateli and Musabeyli districts we encounter -yo /-yu /-yo /-yor /-yor forms. The Forms -y/-ıy /-iy /-yi which are similarized with Gaziantep dialect, encountered extensively at Elbeyli subdialect. Another distinction is in the use of instrumental case. In Gaziantep dialect uses -lan /-len /-nan /-nen forms of ilen > -lan/ -len suffix which is occurred contraction of -n instrumental case suffix with ile particle (Aksoy 1945: 146). In Kilis dialect -dan /-den /-nan /-nen forms are common. This usage which is not existed in central Gaziantep dialect, is common in Iraq Turkmen Turkish and Syria Colan Turkmen dialect (Bayatlı 1996: 470, Arslan-Erol 2009: 49). Ömer Asım Aksoy (1945: 85,146) mentioned that in Nizip dialect it is also used in this form. Intervocalic euphonic consonant ‘y’ usually is not used in Kilis dialect (gınalıdı < kınalıydı). Same feature also exists at Syria Colan Turkmen dialect (Arslan-Erol 2009: 50). In terms of this feature Kilis dialect differs from Gaziantep dialect. Likewise, in Gaziantep dialect intervocalic euphonic consonant ‘y’ usually used in agglutination of i- auxiliary verb and ilen particle (Aksoy 1945: 83-85). Although Kilis dialects share many similarities with dialects of Antep and Hatay, they differ based on some features, even it shares many similarities with dialects of Turkmens who live outside our borders, from Syria and Iraq. As mentioned in the bibliography section, studies on Kilis dialect are bounded by bachelors and master degree thesis. Together with its countries, there has been not a detailed study based on Kilis dialetc, yet (Güler 2012: 1840-1845, Bulut 2013: 1134). In the conclusion of our study phonetic features of Kilis dialect were established as


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