İroniden Komediye Bir Eğlence Aracı: Efrâsiyâb'ın Hikâyeleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

İronie/irony teriminin kaynağı kabul edilen eirônia sözcüğü, Yunanca “bilmezden gelerek sormak” anlamına gelir. Gerçek ve görünüş arasında meydana gelen çatışmayı ve zıtlığı gösteren edebî bir araç olan ironinin komikle benzer bir yanı vardır. Komik duygusu “bir şeyle, o şeyin sunumu arasındaki uyumsuzluk”tan kaynaklandığı gibi ironi de söylenen ile kastedilen arasındaki uyumsuzluktan kaynaklanır. Aradaki tek fark ironiyi yapan, kendini eğlendirme amacı güderken, komedyen ise başkalarını eğlendirme amacı taşır. Postmodern dönemde ironi öne çıkan anlatım yöntemlerinden biri olmuştur. İhsan Oktay Anar, ironiyi başarıyla kullanan yazarlardandır. İhsan Oktay Anar’ın çerçeve hikâye tekniğiyle yazdığı Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri adlı eserindeki bütün hikâyelerde, ironi temel anlatı biçimi olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Ancak yazar, sosyal hayat, kadın–erkek ilişkileri, batıl inançlar, dini inanışlar, toplumsal alışkanlıklar gibi farklı konularda ironiyi komedi unsurlarıyla birleşen bir tarzda kullanarak, hem kendini hem de okuyucusunu eğlendirmeyi amaçlar. Hikâyelerde zaman zaman ironinin karmaşıklığını arttırmak için parodinin de kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, ironi ve komedi öğelerinin İhsan Oktay Anar’ın Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri (2013) adlı eserinde yazar ve okuyucu açısından eğlence unsuruna dönüşmesi örnekler üzerinden gösterilecektir.


The word ironie/ irony which is accepted as the source of the word eironia which means "asking for something as pretending ignorant" in Greek. Irony which is a literary instrument that shows the inconsistency between real and appearance is mostly used as a criticism method. When author is transferring his criticisms by irony, he may increase the dose of criticism; but he would also soften his tone. In the ironic expression, due to the fact that expressions become more striking and shocking, they become more effective on the reader. The main purpose of the author who uses irony method is not to devalue or to humiliate but rather to force the criticism elements to change and transformation in the affirmative meaning. There are similar aspects of irony with comic. As well as the sense of comic stems from “the inconsistency between something and the presentation of it” irony also arises from “the inconsistency between said and intended”. In addition, comic has the objective of social arrangement and this makes it closer to the irony. Another genre intertwined with irony is parody; because parodies necessarily contain irony. İhsan Oktay Anar, who is one of the important representatives of the postmodern narrative in Turkish Literature, successfully uses comedy and parody with their critical features in his works. In this study, how irony and comedy factors in Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri (Stories of Afrasiyab), written by İhsan Oktay Anar, turn into means of entertainment from the viewpoint of author and reader will be represented. Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri(Stories of Afrasiyab), written by using "Frame narrative" technique, consists of nine chapters. In this study, the classification of examples is based on the differentiation of "irony object" and "irony victim" made by D.C. Muecke. İhsan Oktay Anar uses the irony as an instrument of both criticism and entertainment in Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri (Stories of Afrasiyab). In the stories, it is seen that irony intertwines mostly with comedy and partly with parody. This reduces the tension posed by the irony, and also makes entertaining the meeting of text with author and reader. For this, a lot of elements of fairy tales in the story also prepares the ground and makes it easier for entertainment element to become prominent. Anar’s criticisms made by irony technique aren’t the criticisms of political incidents, people or a certain period. Anar, with the influence of his philosopher identity, mostly discusses thoughts and beliefs, settled social attitudes and habits and their reflections in social life. In this study, the most typical irony usages have been commentated as examples. On the other hand, the irony which has a dominant function in the structure of book is preponderant element in almost entire work. Irony technique, that criticizes while praising, provides a great convenience of expression to author. The author chooses educational system, religious life, the superstitions, the so-called heroism, customs and traditions, male-dominated social structure and gender relations as the subject of irony. Irony victims are people associated with these selected irony objects. Although the contrast between eiron and alazon characters put forward by Aristotle, constitute the structure of ironic texts, Anar doesn’t benefit from alazon-eiron contrast in the ironic fiction of his stories. Instead of this, the author plays the role of eiron himself. Anar mostly creates the alazon characters which have the features such as unscrupulousness, selfishness, self-interest, ignorance, greed, biased and far from being inquisitive, lack of education, misinterpretation of religion. In the story titled “Güneşli Günler” (Sunny Days), main irony objects are the violent education given at schools; this education intended to frighten "pupils" and the teaching staff who continues to give such kind of education. Anar expands his critical view focused on a fictional example, as he does in other stories and draws


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