Mensur Bir Ferhâd-Nâme Örneği: Ömer Bâkî'nin Ferhâd-Nâmesi


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Tarihi çok eskilere dayanan, asırlar boyunca İran ve Türk edebiyatlarında mesnevi konusu olarak işlenen Hüsrev ü Şîrîn veya Ferhâd ü Şîrîn hikayesini ilk olarak İran edebiyatında bir aşk mesnevisi şeklinde Nizâmî-i Gencevî, Hüsrev ü Şîrîn adı ile kaleme almıştır. Öncesinde Şehnâme'de Hüsrev'in siyasî mücadeleleri içerisinde küçük bir aşk hikâyesi olarak yerini alan Hüsrev ü Şîrîn hikâyesi, edebî değerini Nizâmî ile kazanmıştır. Nizâmî eseriyle kendisinden sonra İslâmî doğu edebiyatı içerisinde yetişecek olan birçok şairi etkilemiş, Türk ve İran edebiyatında Hüsrev ü Şîrîn veya Ferâd ü Şîrîn adlı eserlerin yazılmasında etkili olmuştur. Türk edebiyatında ilk kez Kutb tarafından Nizâmî'den tercüme edilerek yazılan hikâye XV. yüzyılda Ali Şir Nevâî'nin kendisinden önceki sözlü ve yazılı kaynakları da dikkate alarak yazmış olduğu Ferhâd u Şîrîn'i ile orjinal bir hüviyet kazanmıştır. Ali Şir Nevâî eserinde sadece baş kahramanı değiştirmekle kalmayıp, hikayesinin kompozisyonunu da değiştirmiş, böylece hikâye Hüsrev ü Şîrîn çizgisinden çıkıp farklı bir mecrada şekillenmiştir. Türk edebiyatında Ali Şir Nevâî gibi pek çok şair tarafından Ferhâd ü Şîrîn veya Hüsrev ü Şîrîn mesnevisi yazılmış, hikâye, halk âşıkları tarafından da farklı varyantlarıyla nesilden nesile aktarılmıştır. Bu çalışmada Türk edebiyatında Ferhâd ü Şîrîn veya Hüsrev ü Şîrîn yazan şairler arasında ismi geçen, Doğu Türkçesi'yle yazılmış, Ali Şir Nevâî'nin Ferhâd ü Şîrîn mesnevisinin etkisiyle nesre aktarılmış bir halk kitabı veya mensur hikâye olarak tanımlayabileceğimiz Ömer Bâkî'nin Ferhâd-nâme adlı eseri tanıtılacak ve eserin transkripsiyonlu metni verilecektir.


The story of Hüsrev ü Şîrîn or Ferhâd ü Şîrîn which dates back to very old times and has become a subject for masnavi in Iranian and Turkish literature for centuries, was written as a love masnavi in Iranian literature, first time in the history, by Nizâmî-i Gencevî. The story of Hüsrev ü Şîrîn which appeared earlier as a small love story in the political battles of Hüsrev in Şehnâme gained its literary value by Nizâmî. Nizâmî influenced may poets, who came out in Eastern İslamic literature after him, by his work and had an effect on the writings of Hüsrev ü Şîrîn veya Ferhâd ü Şîrîn in Iranian and Turkish literature. The story, which was translated from Nizâmî by Kutb for the first time in Turkish literature, was gained an original identity in 15th century by Ferhâd u Şîrîn of Ali Şir Nevâî, in which verbal and wtitten sources of earlier times are taken into account. Ali Şir Nevâî changed not only the leading character but also the composition of the story in his work. Hence, the story faded away from Hüsrev ü Şîrîn frame and took a different form. In Turkish literature, Ferhâd ü Şîrîn or Hüsrev ü Şîrîn was written by many poets like Ali Şir Nevâî and the story had been told through generations by minstrels in several variations. In this study, the Ferhâd-nâme by Ömer Bâkî whose name is listed in the writers of Ferhâd ü Şîrîn or Hüsrev ü Şîrîn in Turkish literature, which is written by Eastern Turkish and can be described as a public book or prose story carrying the effects of Ali Şir Nevâî's Ferhâd ü Şîrîn is introduced and its transcribed text is given. This study is composed of three chapters: 1st Chapter: General overview of the story of Ferhad ü Şîrîn and Ferhad ü Şirin masnavi of Ali Şir Nevâî; The story of Hüsrev ü Şirin which is one of the best known and focused on stories of Islamic Eastern literature, was taken as a a subject of study by many poet until Nevâî, and the story was in a way nationalized by him and became an original artwork. Ali Şir Nevâî who wrote the first Ferhâd ü Şîrîn masnavi affected the poets who came out after him, and gave an adventure novel appearance alongside a love story by the folcloric elements and adventure motives he used. 2nd Chapter: Ferhad-nâme of Ömer Bâkî; Masnavi of Ferhâd ü Şîrîn written between 14th and 19th centuries was converted to prose text using Eastern Turkish, keeping Ali Şir Nevâî's same named masnavi in consideration, by Ömer Bâkî. As the masnavis written 14th century onwards started to spread out, poems started to be written as prose texts so that the public can easily read and understand these stories, and this situation also shows itself in this text. In Turkish world, especially in Turkestan, readings of Nevâî's works in social meetings caused public variants of his works to appear. As we see the subject from this perspective, Ferhad-nâme of Ömer Bâkî, an indicator of the effetcs and traces of great Turkish poet Nevâî on Turkish world, was composed as prose text, even a public book, contrary to the earlier studies that declared the work as masnavi. Three copies of this work were identified. First one is in "Oxford-England/Bodleian Library Turkish Manuscripts (İ) "collection, second one is in "France/France National Library Turkish Manuscripts (F1)" collection, and third one is again in "France/France National Library Turkish Manuscripts (F2)" collection. Since (I) and (F2) copies have missing parts in the beginnings of the text and differences between the copies shows up not only in grammer or words but also it does so in sentences and chapter organizations, (F1) copy is accepted as the main text and this study is not handled as critic of the copies. Ferhad-nâme is a prose text and as it becomes appropriate poems are also placed within the text. Poems are exactly copied from Ali Şir Nevâî's Ferhâd ü Şirin. Poet is also mentioned his name in the introduction part which starts with a pray poem. This work, which is written by Chagatai Turkish (Eastern Turki


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