Millî Eğitimde Osmanlı Türkçesinin Seçmeli Ders Olarak Öğretilmesi Üzerine


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Osmanlı Türkçesi, bin yıllık Türk-İslam medeniyetinin Anadolu ve Balkanlardaki kültürünün, ilim ve sanat hayatının aydınların eserlerine de yansıyan hususi ve zengin Türkçesidir. Bu Türkçenin Arapça ve Farsça ile desteklenen ve millileşen özel bir tarafı vardır. Yeni yetişen nesillerin tarihi kaynaklarla yüz yüze gelebilmesi ve yorum yapabilmesi için Osmanlı Türkçesinin temel özelliklerini ve inceliklerini bilmeye ihtiyaçları vardır. Bu bildiride liselerimizin bazı sınıflarında seçmeli veya zorunlu ders olarak Osmanlı Türkçesinin okutulmasının faydası ve lüzumuna dair görüşler dile getirilmiş, gerekçeler sunulmuştur. Osmanlı Türkçesi, altı yüz yıl hükümran olmuş, Osmanlı Cihan Devletinin aydınları, devlet erkânı ve belli ölçüde de farklı şehirlerde yaşayan okumuşları ile halkı arasında konuşulan, yazılan, anlaşılan tabiî Türkçenin özel bir rengi ve kültür zenginliğidir. Osmanlı Türkçesi, Türkçeden farklı bir dilin adı değildir. Belki diğer tarihî ve coğrafî Türkçe isimlendirmeleri gibi sonradan bu devrin Türkçesini yansıtmak üzere uygun görülmüş bir ifadedir. Türkçenin tarihî gelişimi içinde uzun sürmüş ve çok sayıda yazılı belge bırakmış zengin bir dönemi temsil etmektedir. 1928’deki Harf İnkılâbından sonra yeni yetişen nesillerin Osmanlı dönemi yazılı eserlerini okuyup anlayabilmeleri imkânı ortadan kalkınca tarihî metinlerimizle bağlantımızın kopması ve -başka kültürlerde pek olmayan- kendi geçmişimizin kaynaklarına doğrudan ulaşıp inceleyebilme şansı da özel gayretler dışında ortadan kalkmıştır. Bütün bu sebeplerle millî eğitimin değişik kademelerinde tarihî Türkçe olan Osmanlı Türkçesinin öğretilmesi kaçınılmaz hale gelmiştir.


Ottoman Turkish is an esoteric and rich Turkish that reverberated to millenary Turk-Islam civilization’s culture in Anatolian and Balkans, science, art and works of intellectuals. This Turkish has a specific nationalizing aspect that supported by Arabic and Persian languages. New generations need to know Ottoman Turkish’s basic features and particulars in order to confront and comment. In this paper, opinions about benefits and needs of teaching Ottoman Turkish in some classes of our highschools are mentioned and they are justified. As a result of being in touch with other nations with civil, commercial, political relations, Turkish language has inevitably used the words of other nations and has given the words to the other nations in its historical past. Throughout that process, beside our national language sometimes lost its own words and moved away some of its linguistic rules, has lost its rules against foreign rules. In the era of historical Turkey Turkish, the language is sometimes ignored.With the use of “simplified Turkish” as Gokalp said, the language has reached its mature consistency blending its thousands of years passion and evolution with national values and finally reached it s current literally graceful form. Since the interference to the Turkish language headed to harm to the language, the politicians and intellectuals of 20th century projected their various and multiple so called “saving the language” methods to the language without benefiting from any scientific perspective. The language is not an area for the ones to dominate their satisfaction and apply their own politics. The linguists are the experts of this area and any other player should be excluded in order to contribute to the progress of the language in its natural mediums. Science, culture and art could only be evaluated with its peer products from various geographies, eras by its real experts discarding the politically oriented intervention. The progress of the language is a natural process occuring in a long period of time, being processed in conferences, cources in universities with negotiations. It is not possible and reasonable to invent a language in a room by some non-experts and waste the accumulation of a language constructed in hundreds of years. Since language is a delicate trust to hand on to the following generations it is not acceptible to betray that stock or else the forfeit will have to be compansate by unideaded and inarticulate generations. The historical progress of the language is to be considered and various academic thesis, studies, dictionaries should be presented. The main measure should be the studies performed in other languages. More studies should be planned for short, midium and long term projections and the outcomes should be spreaded. As our teachers told us, one should work for the national language in a praying manner. Ottoman turkish, spoken for more than six hundred years, was an enriched combination of Ottoman intellectuals, officers and the public. It is not the name of a language different from Turkish and moreover Ottoman turkish is a valuable heritage contructed in hundreds of years contributing to the current power and prosperity of Turkish language. After the letter revolution in 1928, it was not possible and easy to read and understand the heritage of the empire language causing the disconnection of the generations with their history’s written materials, works and studies. Lınguists believe and say for 40-50 years that it is possible to educate the young people to understand the historical text and overcome the alphabet barrier. For a very long period of time, Ottoman Turkish course is being given as a course in the social science departments of our universities such as literature, history, theology, philosophy and sociology of our universities which could not still not efficient as it is to be. The course is believed to be given in high school level in order to enable the youth understand their f


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