Bulgaristan Tırgovişte’den Osmanlı Dönemine Ait Bir Tıp Metni


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Anadoluda Türk dilinde yazılan tıp metinlerinin tarihi 14. yüzyıla kadar uzanır. Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dönemi, Türkçe tıp metinleri bakımından oldukça verimlidir. Bu çalışmada, 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı sırasında, Bulgaristan’ın eski adı Eski Cuma (Tırgovişte) olan şehrinden Kocaeli İli’nin Sapakpınar köyüne göç eden muhacir bir ailenin özel kütüphanesinde tespit ettiğimiz tıp metnini tanıtmayı amaçladık. Eski Anadolu Türkçesi dil özelliklerini gösteren 110 sayfalık el yazma eserin son 16 varaklık bölümünde, bir tıp metni yer almaktadır. Yazma eserin ilk sayfalarından, tıp metninin olduğu bölüme kadar çeşitli dualar, sureler ve dini konularla ilgili bilgiler yer alır. Eserin son bölümü, halk hekimliğine ait çeşitli tedavi yöntemlerini ihtiva etmektedir. 16 varaktan oluşan metnin muhtevası incelendiğinde Türk halk tababetinin eski örnekleri ile karşılaşılır. Metnin muhtevasında çok sayıda rahatsızlıkla ilgili ilaç reçeteleri verilir; her reçeteden sonra bir dua metni yer almaktadır. Bu hastalıklardan bazıları şunlardır: Diz ağrısı, göz, segil, mayasıl, sızı, sarılık, karın şişkinliği, tavuk karası, zehirlenme vb. Tıp metninde geçen hastalıklar başlıklar halinde verilmiş hemen arkasından ilgili hastalığın tedavi yöntemi aktarılmıştır. Yazmada geçen tıp metinleri okunarak transkripsiyon harfleriyle gösterilmiştir. Balkan coğrafyasından gelen bu el yazması eser, yapılacak araştırmalar sonucunda benzer daha birçok el yazmasının gün yüzüne çıkacağının ipucunu vermeketedir. Kaynak olacağını düşündüğümüz çalışmayı Eski Anadolu Türkçesi tıp metinleri alanında çalışan ilgili araştırmacıların dikkatine sunuyoruz.


Usage of plants for treatment begins with history of humanity. Thousands of years ago, humans had found out power of plants for treatment and have derived benefit from it to sustain healthy way of living. Public medicines are the applications which have extended from past to today as the outcomes of a long term experience in Anatolia where public medical science applications are encountered extensively. Many works were written by the physicians for the treatment of diseases in the Ottoman Era. Meeting the need for medical knowledge in public, these works bear the traces of post-Islamic period stylistically. These works draw the attention of such fields as medicine, pharmacy, linguistics etc. with their characteristics. Information relating diagnosis and treatment of many diseases is provided in the medical manuscripts of the Ottoman Era. Several methods have been used throughout the history of humanity on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Human, who previously see all the negativity of physical, mental and social as a supernatural event, firstl sought remedy on sorcerers. These people, who were also known as healers, have played an important role in the detection and treatment of disease. Later, mankind who discovered new treatment methods through trial-and-error, has laid the foundation of modern medicine. Folk medicine is an institution that is away from scientific medicine and composed entirely of traditional and magical treatment methods. The folk medicine texts that are used for the treaatment of people as illogical practice and the text that is on the weight of that application on the folk medicine are separated from the medical texts that depend on the scientific medicine understanding that were written of that time. Turkish culture has appeared in Anatolia since Turks migrated to the territory. Folk medicine-being an important part of Turkish culture- had also been carried to the area. There are many copyright and translated works on Anatolian Turkish medicine, which carried on its improvement independently of master-apprentice relationship, dating back to 14th century. Historical medicine works make up important research fields for some disciplines in terms of form and content. These works are within the framework of language studies in terms of language material and technical terms they include. They are also important for alternative medicine as they include techniques which utilize raw plants instead of synthesized ones. In addition, these works are within the framework of pharmacognosy because they contain drugs made of synthesized plants and other substances. Finally, historical medicine works are in the field of research of folklore as they include not only modern medical application of the period in which they were written but also folk medicine and other medical traditions. Turks, who were under the influence of the Middle-Age Islamic Medicine Literature, had written 50 medical books using the Olden Anatolian Turkish. The medical information these books included were ahead of the time period that they were written and they also provided considerable medical information for the current time period.Most of the authors of these medical books were medical doctors and they comprehended various disciplines of medicine. The Anotolian medical text written in Turkish dates back from the 14th centruy. Old Anotolian Turkish Period medical texts written in Turkish are quite numerous. In this paper, we aimed to introduce a medical book brought from the town of Bulgaria-Targovishte, formerly named Eski Cuma during the 1877-1878 Ottoman-Russian War by a family migrating to the village in the province of Kocaeli Sapakpınar. A lot of Turkish works were written after creating the written language based on Oghuz dialect when Oghuzs came to Anatolia.The medical works among the texts written in this first period that can be called ‘Old Anatolian Turkish’ or ‘Old Oghuz Turkish’ have taken an important place. The medic


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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