Bâhnâmeye Bir Bakış ve Gelibolulu Mustafa Alî’nin Bâhnâmesi


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

“Muhteşem yüzyılın bilgesi Alî” Mezopotamya ve Mısır’da başlayan ve antik Yunan’da Hippokrat ile oluşan tıp ilmi, literatürü, bilimin ilerlemesi sonucu, tıp biliminde cinsel sağlık bir disiplin olarak kabul edilmiştir. İnsan sağlığının vazgeçilmez ve sosyal hayatın bir parçası olan cinsel sağlık M.Ö’den itibaren bir ilgi sahası olmaya başlamıştır. Batı’da Uzakdoğu’da ve birçok uygarlık merkezinde konu ile ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, yazılan kitaplara değinildi. Zevk ve fantezi amaçlı kaleme alınan Kama-Sutra gibi eserlerin yanında tıp biliminin bir dalı olarak cinsel sağlığı merkez alan, bilimsel boyutuyla irdeleyen Bâhnâmeler karşılaştırılarak, bu iki türün farkları ortaya konuldu. Antik Yunan tıbbından etkilenen Müslüman milletler, Antik Yunan’dan tercüme eserlerle başlayıp her İslam cemiyetinde olduğu gibi Türk Milleti de eserleri kendi diliyle telif etmeye başladıktan sonra Osmanlı devletinde telif eser olarak kaleme alınan ilk bâhnâme hakkında bilgi verildi. Bâhnâme’nin amacının cinsel sağlık ve tedavinin yolları olduğu aktarıldı. 16.ve 17. yüzyıldan itibaren bâhnâmelerin çoğunun değişime uğrayarak pornografik bir zemine kaydığı aktarıldı. Gelibolulu Mustafa Alî’nin hayatı, kişiliği, sanatı ve sanat eserleri hakkında bilgi verildi. Hayatında yaşadığı badireler, umutlar ve yaşadığı hayal kırıklıklarına yer verildi. Kimi yapıtında sözden ziyade manayı, hünerden çok gerçeği önemseyen Alî, beklentisi ve ihtiyacı gereği kimi zaman da sözü manaya hüneri gerçeğe galip kıldığını tespit ettik. Osmanlı devletinin muhteşem yüzyılında bir kültür bilgesi olan bir şahsiyettir. Yaşadığı devre iz bırakan ve döneme damga vuran Sanatkâr ile ilgili şimdiye kadar yazılan birçok eserde elliye yakın eser kaleme aldığı anlatılır; fakat birçoğunda Râhatü’n-Nüfus veya Ruhû’n-Nüfus adlı eserinden biyografik çalışmalarda söz edilmemektedir. Yaptığımız araştırmalarda kuvvetle muhtemel adı geçen eserin Gelibolulu Mustafa Alî’ye ait olduğu kanaati hâsıl olmuştur. Nüshaların bulunduğu yerler ve nüshaların künyeleri verilerek, Berlin ve Kayseri Reşit Paşa nüshaları karşılaştırılarak yapıtlardan alıntılar yapıldı. İki cüzvden oluşan ve her cüzvü dört bâbdan oluşan Râhatü’n-Nüfus’un birinci cüzvü kadınlar, ikinci cüzvü erkekler için yazılmıştır.


Starting in Mezopotamia and Egypt and formed in ancient Greek sexual healt has been accepted as a discipline in medical science, Literature and result of progress in science, Sexual health; An indispensable and social Life of human health has became in B.C. as an area of interest. In the West far East and center of many civilazation research done with the subject and books were written. Besides of pleasure and fantasy Works Like as Kama-Sutra as a branch of medical science field of sexual health centers compared with Bahname that examines the scientific and that two types differences were demontstrated. Muslim nations affected by the Ancient Greek medicine starting with Works translated from Ancient Greek as in all İslamie soeieties Turkish nation also Works after starting to copyright in their own Language penned the copy righhted work of the Ottoman state was informed about the first bahname renovation. The aim of Bahname was transferted as sexual health and ways to treat. During 16th and 17th century most of Bahname was transferred from a pornographic ground and changed by stopping. Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli’s life and personality, were informed about art and art Works. It was given the hopes and frostrantions experienced that he Lived the Life of trials and hardships. In some sense , we found that the trick to make real winner rather than the so-called structure, the very fact that cares trick Ali, expectations and needs should also mention some meaning. He was a personality, a culture wise magni ficent century in the Ottoman Empire About the Craftsman who was persistend and stamper of the era, it was explained that he wrote about so Works, wiritten in many Works up to now; but most of his work was not mentioned from Râhatü’n-Nüfus or Ruhü’n Nüfus named Works in the biographical Works. In our resarch Likely the work belongs to Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli. It was made copies af the Works by comparing from Berlin and Kayseri Rashid Pasha Works where given copies and copies af the catalog, Râhatü’n-Nüfus consisting of two parts and only part consisting of four pages-first part was written for women and the second part was written for men. RESULT Phases which was mentioned with old medicine and a part of this sexual health, the perception formed in Far East, Maghreb and Islamic civilization was described by examples from respective Works , the simiarities and differences between the Bahname, Kama-Sutra and fragrant garden. The findings were emphasized about pornographic themes especially after the 17th century, timing away from the sexual health of its kind of Bahname. Considering that age lived in this era was a time when the Ottoman Empire reigned five continents. That is, it was living its magnificient century. He studied in Gallipolli which the period can be cinsidered a cultural center of the Ottoman Empire (before the conquest of Istanbul) and he completed his education in madrasas of Istanbul. He worked tasks that can be called senior such as cultural centers in Baghdad, Erzurum, Sham, Halep, Manisa, Amasya and Trabzon. Ali, who hit circuit stamp and left traces in many fields, had been in the science councils with artists. Author, who holds art light-colored and rich, penned in the masterpieces of the genre named Künhü’l-Akhbar that took place in 300 years Ottoman History. We included life, personality art and Works to Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli whose work history not discussed with the historiography and was given qualified works in that many other types. We tryed to promote making the-excerpts from his book Rahat’ün-Nüfus, a copy of in Turkey and a copy of in Berlin and the other three copies in Cairo. These statesments in the copy of Berlin as “Bahname-yi Kebir ve Bahname-yi telif-i Ali merhum”, Rahat-ün-Nüfus was staffed belonging to Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli. This work was penned in addition Arabic work of Tifaşi agai


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