Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lütfi Divanı’nda Gönüle Dair


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Gönül, klasik Türk şiirinde, tasavvuf edebiyatında, âşık edebyatı ve anonim Türk edebiyatında en çok geçen kelime ve kavramlardan biridir. Özellikle tasavvuf şiirinde bu mefhum daha sık kullanılır. Gönül karşılığı olarak şiirimizde sine, dil, fuad kelimeleri de çok sık kullanılır. İman, sevgi ve nefretin, iyi ve kötü bütün duyguların kaynağı olduğu kabul edilen kalbin mânevî yönü, yürek, dil; yürekte var olduğu kabul edilen sevgi, düşünme, anma, istek ve hatır gibi duygu kaynağı; yüreğin manevî gücü, arzu; istek; insanın akıl üstü bilgiye ulaşma gücü ya da bu tür bilgilerin insanda doğduğu, dünya nimetleri ve geçici isteklerin bağından kurtulan sûfîde Allah’ın tecelli ettiği ve Allah’la ilgili bilgilerin geldiği yer; insandaki irfan odağı; insanın aşk ve güzellik konusunda önüne geçemediği iç kuvveti; zevk, haz ve elemlerinin merkezidir. Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfî Divanı’nda gönül mefhumunu çok sık kullanır. O, gönlü türlü varlık ve kavramlara benzeterek anlatır; gözler önünde canlandırmaya çalışır. Bu makalede yirminci yüzyıl başlarında yaşayan mutasavvıf şair Alvarlı Efe olarak tanınan Muhammed Lutfî Efendi’nin


Heart is one of the commonly used word and concepts in classical Turkish poems, sufi literature, Turkish literature of minstrel and anonymous. This notion is especially used common in sufi literature. Instead of the word heart, the words bosom, tongue and soul are used as the synonyms in sufi literature. The heart, bosom, tongue which is regarded as the source of faith, love and hate, all good and bad feelings and also the moral part; is the source of emotions such as love, thinking, remembering, wishes and respect which are accepted to be in the heart. Heart is the moral part of breast, demand; wishes; the power of human to reach super rational information or the place such information was born. The heart is the place where, the mystic of wealth and temporary wishes are ignored, God appears and information about God reveals. Heart is the center of culture of human; internal power of human love and beauty; desire, pleasure and pains. The heart belongs to God. God is pleased that the heart he granted to human has his love. The heart has an important role as the place of communication between God and human. Human shall be full of God love that created human from nothing and there shall be no other love instead of love for God. Lutfi Efendi declares this reality as the following with the words coming from deep of his heart. The concept of heart is often used in Divan of Alvarlı Efe Muhammed Lutfi. He describes heart by comparing it with various creatures and concepts; he tries to imagine it. In this article, it is pointed out that how and the way that Muhammed Lutfi Efendi who, is known as the sufi poet Alvarlı Efe and has lived in the beginning of twentieth century, uses the concept of heart and how he compares the concept of heart. It will be tried to analyze in this article that how the mystery thing called as the heart is understood, realized and evaluated by a sufi poet who is the follower of sufi poetry tradition. Sources agree the heart as a holy gift which includes the secret of creation of universe in. Love is the reason for creation of universe; heart is the place where love is grown up. It will not be exaggerated if we claim that sufi literature is focused on the heart and purifying it. Divans of sufi poets are full of poems about heart. In order to understand the subject of heart in the poems of Alvarlı Efe Muhammet Lutfi, you shall be aware of the thoughts of sufi poets who lived before him. That is why, feelings and thoughts of poets such as Mevlanâ Celaleddin-i Rûmî, Yunus Emre, Âşık Paşa, Hacı Bayram Veli, Eşrefoğlu Rumî, Kemal Ümmî, Dede Ömer Rûşenî, Aziz Mahmud Hüdâyî, Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı have been transferred. The article consists six sections after the input: both


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