Bir Rumeli Kadısı Olan Atâyî'nin Şiirlerinde Balkan Coğrafyası


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

XVII. yy


Atâyî, who was a 17th century poet, was known as possessing a hamse. He is the son of Nev‘î who was one of the prominent poets and scholars of 16th century. The real name of the poet, who was known as Nev‘îzâde Atâyî, was Atâullah. He was born in İstanbul in 1583, was appointed as müderris to Canbaziye Medresesi in 1605 and became a kadı of Lofça in 1608. He spent most of his life as kadı at several Rumeli kadılıks especially at Varna, Rusçuk, Silistre, Tekirdağ, Hezargrad, Manastır, Tırnova, Tırhala and Üsküp and passed away in İstanbul in 1635. His grave is located at Şeyh Vefâ dervish lodge (tekke) near to his father’s grave. His interest tended to Islamic Sufism and he became one of the followers of Aziz Mahmûd Hüdâyî. As a productive poet, Atâyî had a considerably voluminous


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