Said Paşa ve “Tenezzüh” Şiiri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Bu çalışmada Diyarbekirli Said Paşa ve onun “Tenezzüh” başlıklı şiiri üzerinde durulmuştur. Giriş bölümünde Said Paşa’nın hayatı ve eserleri hakkında özet bilgi verilmiş, tenezzüh şiiri kısaca tanıtılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde şairin şiir yeteneği ve hakimane üslûbu incelenmiş ve hikmetli beyitlerinden örnekler sunulmuştur. Üçüncü bölümde “tenezzüh” şiiri şekil ve içerik yönünden ele alınmış ve şiir tahlil edilmiştir. Tenezzüh başlıklı bu şiir, kaside nazım şekliyle yazılmış olup toplam kırk iki beyittir. Aruzun Mef‘ûlü fâ‘ilâtün mef‘ûlü fâ‘ilâtün (Müstef‘ilün fe‘ûlün müstef‘ilün fe‘ûlün) kalıbıyla yazılmış olan manzume mücerret kafiyelidir. Kasidenin bütünü manzum bir hikâyedir. Manzumenin giriş bölümünde bahçe tasvirlerine yer verilmiştir. Bu bölümde şair, rüyada gördüğü ve cennet bahçesindeki güzellikleri andıran manzaraları tasvir etmektedir. Bahçedeki görüntüler, ağaçlar, çiçekler, havuz, su ve kuş sesleri insanı dinlendirmekte; kurulan eğlence ve sohbet meclisleri katılımcılara tarifi imkânsız sevinç ve mutluluk bahşetmektedir. Hikayenin gelişme bölümünde aşık/maşuk karşılaşmasında yaşananlar dile getirilmiş, sevgilinin olağanüstü güzelliği karşısında aşığın düştüğü duruma yer verilmiştir. Bu bölümde şairin rüyasını süsleyen kusursuz sevgilinin fiziki ve ruhi halleri, sevgiliyle hem-hal olan aşığın ruh haliyle birlikte dizelere yansıtılmıştır. Aşığın sonsuza kadar devam etmesini istediği bu mutluluk sahnesi rüyanın sona ermesiyle yerini hüzne bırakmıştır. Manzumenin son dokuz beyitlik hatime kısmı şairin bu rüya ile ilgili yorumlarını içermektedir. Sonuç ve değerlendirme kısmında, çalışmadan elde edilen bulgular yorumlanmış ve şiirin mesajına yer verilmiştir. Kaynakça bölümünden sonra inceleme ve tahlili yapılan tenezzüh şiirinin kırk iki beyitlik metni de çalışmaya eklenerek makale sonlandırılmıştır.


This study focused on Said Pasha of Diyarbakir and his poem titled “Tenezzüh: Pleasure”. Summary information has been given about Said Pasha’s life and his works in the introduction to this article and “strolls the dream” poem introduced briefly. In the second part of the study, the ability and wisdom of the poet's poetry style was investigated and examples were presented of Said Pasha's wise couplets. "Pleasure" poetry is evaluated in terms of form and content and the poetry is analyzed in the third section. In the final section, have been interpreted the results obtained from the study and included in the poem's message. After the bibliography section is written the "Pleasure" poetry which investigation and analysis conducted the above, forty-two verses text was added to the study, and the article has been terminated. Said Pasha lived in Diyarbakir that one of the important cities of the empire's southeast by the late Ottoman period. He has held senior executive positions in different cities of the country and he died in Mardin. He has been busy except for official duties with art, literature, poetry and history as well. He wrote poetry and these poems collected on a Divan. Pasha has expanded with instructive style that this style are owned by Nabi who lived in the late seventeenth century. In this respect he was entitled it gives meaning to the promise considerable to be one of the poet and playwright. His books in the field of rhetoric "Mîzânü'l-edeb" and in the history field "Mir'âtü'l-Iber" is very important application source for scientists working will make in this field. Furthermore, Said Pasha has been a very important contribution in Ali Emiri’s upbringing who a good researcher, writer, transcriber, poet, historian, publisher and a book-friendly most of all. Said Pasha describes two faces the world beautiful and ugly depicting the opening and closing of curtains the effect on the human spirit in this poem. He wants to look the true lover's and paradise the reflected beauty dreamland and the world's seeming ugliness with eye admonished at this poem. Said Pasha's message, so he tried to give the pleasure of poetry, one of the most important thinkers of the 20th century Said Nursi explains Qur'anic and a faith perspective "Sözler" in his book. “The world is also a temporary exhibition. So look at it and take lessons. Pay attention, not to its apparent, ugly face, but to its hidden, beautiful face which looks to the Eternal All-Beauteous One. Go for a pleasant and beneficial promenade, then return, and do not weep like a silly child at the disappearance of scenes displaying fine views and showing beautiful things, and do not be anxious!...” This poet which entitled “Pleasure” is written in eulogy verse form. Total is forty-two couplets. In poetry is preferred aruz meter and in poem rhyme, the only sound. All of the poetry is a story in verse and the story is the poet's dream. In the introduction to the poem, depictions of the gardens are included. This part of the poem the poet describes wonderful images which seen in a dream, like the beauty of the gardens of paradise. Images in the garden, trees, flowers, pools, water and birds singing... These beauties are resting people. Founded council, entertainment and chat sessions are granted eternal joy and happiness to the participants. The development of the story it was mentioned what happened in the encounter lover and beloved. In the same section is described which beloved in the face of extraordinary beauty fell in love with the state. Also in this section, physical and mental states of the perfect lover that decorating the dream of the poet wishing well-being becomes the lover and lovers of mood these reflected in the string together. The lover’s happy scenes that he wanted to continue forever, ıt has left the place of sadness by the end of the dream. The last part of the poem which the nine couplets, It's about the dream that Said Pasha's reviews include. Troubles


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