Birinci Dünya Savaşı Dönemi'nde Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın Bitlis'teki Faaliyetleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 5

XIX. yüzyılın sonu ve XX. yüzyılın başlarında yaşanan gelişmeler ve bazı Avrupalı devletler arasındaki siyasi, askeri ve iktisadi rekabet gibi sebeplerle çıkan dünya savaşına kısa bir süre sonra Osmanlı Devleti de katılmıştır. Bu savaşta birçok cephede mücadele veren Osmanlı Devleti’nin Doğu Cephesi’ndeki askeri harekâtı, 1 Kasım 1914’te Rus ordusunun sınırı geçmesiyle başlamıştır. Ruslar askeri üstünlüğü ve bölgedeki Ermenilerin çıkardığı isyanların oluşturduğu zemini kullanarak buradaki birçok vilâyeti işgal emiştir. Rusların 3 Mart 1916’da Bitlis’i de işgal etmeleri üzerine Osmanlı Hükümeti, Çanakkale’deki başarılarıyla tanınan Mustafa Kemal’i Bitlis civarındaki 16’ncı Kolordu’nun Kumandanlığı’na atamıştır. Bunun üzerine Mustafa Kemal Paşa, Bitlis’e giderek komutayı eline almış ve çalışmalara başlamıştır. Mustafa Kemal Paşa, bu çerçevede Bitlis’te bulunan ordu kumandanları, aşiret reisleri ve din adamlarıyla görüşmeler yaparak Bitlis’in ve bölgenin düşman işgalinden kurtarılması için önemli faaliyetlerde bulunmuştur.


Bitlis is a single and important location between the Southeast Taurus Mountains which connects the East Anatolia to Persian Gulf and Mediterranean through the Southeastern Anatolia. The Ottoman Empire also took place in the World War I that began by the late 19th Century and early 20th Century and emerged among some European countries because of certain political, military and economic reasons. The Ottoman Empire battling in many fronts during this war started the military operations in the Eastern Front when the Russian army crossed the border on 1 November 1914. The Russian occupied many provinces in the region utilizing their own military superiority and the grounds formed by the Armenian outbreaks. Upon the occupation of Bitlis by the Russian in March 3, 1916, the Ottoman Government appointed Mustafa Kemal, famous for his accomplishments in Çanakkale, to the 16th Corps Command around Bitlis. Thereupon, Mustafa Kemal Pasha arrived in Bitlis to steer the ship and started to work. Known as “Hero of Anafartalar”, famous in the whole army and the Anatolia, the commander Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to command in the front, which very motivated the soldiers and people in the region. After his arrival in the region Mustafa Kemal Pasha worked together with important commanders such as 8th Division Commander Nuri Bey (Conker), Battalion Commander Fuat Bey (Bulca), General Refet (Bele) and Ali Bey (Çetinkaya) and Colonel İsmet (İnönü) Bey. Moreover, he had the chance to know and work with Chieftain of Mutkis Clan Hacı Musa Bey and his brother Nuh Bey, religious functionaries Sheikh Ziyauddin Efendi and Küfrevizade Sheikh Abdülbaki Efendi, Sheikh Alauddin Efendi of Ohin, Bitlis Deputy Sadullah Bey. Following the occupation of Bitlis, the northern sides of Gambos Mountain between Bitlis and Muş were being defended by the voluntary units from Bitlis and nearby. In the west of Bitlis channel, the Mutki territory, volunteers of Hacı Musa Bey were deployed. The duty of this battalion was determined as to protect the 5th Division and hinder the Russian communication between Bitlis and Muş by going down the Muş Plain. Mustafa Kemal Pasha faced some big problems when he arrived in the base. Because the units in there were nothing but the rubbish of a tired, demotivated, diseased army with almost no arcade and weapons. Pasha requested weapon, reserves and health materials by telegraphing to Istanbul and worked hard to shape the corps to fight against the enemies. While Mustafa Kemal Pasha sustained his works, he also had to challenge with many issues in the region other than the above-stated ones like deserters, gangs, Dersim outbreak, transfer of reserves to the front. Mustafa Kemal Pasha held some talks with army commanders, chieftains and religious opinion leaders and started preparations to rescue Bitlis and the nearby region from the occupation of enemy. In this regard, voluntary regiments were formed among the clans and the support of religious leaders around Bitlis was maintained. Additionally, he changed the units who got tired and demotivated. After Mustafa Kemal Pasha completed all requirements for the attack, he took the action on 2 August 1916 with all units located in the Bitlis River and rescued Bitlis from the occupation of enemies within six days. Following the redemption of Bitlis, the fame of Mustafa Kemal Pasha rose and people’s motivation increased besides that the occupation of Diyarbakir and nearby provinces was prevented. Moreover, involvement of regional militia and voluntary forces under the command of 16th Corps did demonstrate the determination and persistence of the folk in the region. Mustafa Kemal Pasha went to Bitlis second time in November of 1916. During his visit the Pasha inspected the voluntary units formed by Sheikh Ziyauddin Efendi (Excellency) and fulfilled their food and arcade needs. Mustafa Kemal Pasha cared particularly with the protection of children who lost their parents as well as the


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