Yabancı Kelimelere Karşılık Bulmada Karşılaşılan Sorunlar ve Çözüm Önerileri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Türkçedeki yabancı kökenli kelimeler meselesi çok tartışılan konulardan biri olmuştur. Bu yabancı kelimelerin üzerinden dilde sadeleşme tartışmaları yaşanmış hatta bazı kesimler bu konuyu daha ileri götürerek dilde tasfiye hareketine çevirmeye çalışmıştır. Günümüze gelindiğinde bu tartışmaların azalsa da devam ettiği görülmektedir. Bugün karşımızda duran en önemli mesele Türkçeye yerleşmiş, Türkçeleşmiş kelimelere karşılık bulup onları atmak değil, dilimize yeni giren veya girmeye çalışan yabancı kelimelere karşılık bulmaktır. Özellikle, Batı’nın popüler kültüründen ve teknolojiden gelen kelimelere karşılık bulma meselesi şu an ciddi bir sorun olarak karşımızda durmaktadır. Türk Dil Kurumu ile bazı kişi ve kurumlar bu kelimelere karşılık önermede ve bunların yerine Türkçe karşılıklarının kullanılmasını istemekte ancak bütün bu çalışmaların başarıya ulaşması bazı engellere takılmaktadır. Yabancı dilden Türkçeye giren veya girecek olan kelimelere karşılık bulmada “zamanlama, ‘uyduruk’ bir kelime üretme, eklerin yersiz kullanılması, telaffuz durumu, anlam bakımından uygunluk meselesi, kelimenin üretildikten sonra halka arz edilmesi, bu kelimelerin dilin en çok kullanıldığı medyada kullanımı, okul kitaplarında yer alıp almaması, meseleye siyasi ve ideolojik açıdan yaklaşılması” gibi bazı sorunlar yaşanmaktadır. Çalışmamızda öncelikle dilde sadeleşme çalışmaları hakkında tarihi seyri içinde genel bilgiler verilmiş, bu konuda yapılan araştırmalar üzerine bir alan yazın çalışması yapılmış ve daha sonra yukarıda zikredilen sorunlar örnekleriyle incelenip ve onlara çözüm önerileri ortaya konulmuştur.


Introduction and Purpose of Study The aim of this study is to identify the difficulties in the process of production new Turkish words that were borrowed as word forms from the western languages and also herein to provide solutions to these problems. The study consists of three parts. The first part involves earlier studies and discussions on the movements of simplification that was briefly summarized. The second part includes the problems that are examined in the process of finding new Turkish words in liue of foreing words and also herein to settle these new words issues in Turkish language. In the third part, the suggestions regarding above-mentioned problems were offered accordingly. Within the history, the Turkish language that came into contact with a lot of languages has both influenced the languages, and was influenced by them. This interaction sometimes had been in words, and in the form of suffixes.Turkish borrowed those words from the languages in contact in exactly the same way if they suit the articulatory phonetics and dialect of Turkish or by changing them in accordance with the articulatory phonetics and dialect of Turkish. Thus, within many centuries, Turkish language made many wordsTurkish words. Some of the loan words are not perceived as they are loan words. Particularly, by the side effects Islam from Arabic, by the side effect of the Divan literature from Persian and by the side effects of westernization from French; so that, thousands of many words were borrowed from those languages. With the aid of the technological development, the relationship between people has increased. One of the things that affected this relationship is undoubtedly the language. A particular language migh affect other languages and be affected by the other languages by dint of its natural features. In the history of Turkish, it was influenced by many languages mainly Arabic, Persian, French and English and borrowed words, phrases, proverbs and grammatical elements from those languages as well. Findings and Discussion In each period and time, some intellectuals have criticized these loan words in Turkish in and have pointed out to the necessity of using a simple language and a simple way of speaking that language. This loan words issue in the language and simplification in Turkish did not seem to be a big problem up to the Tanzimat period, but in later periods, this issue has been a much discussed topic and is still has being discussed. The following periods; Tanzimat period, the last years of the Ottoman Empire, the process of transition to the Latin alphabet, the establishment of the Turkish Language Association (TLA) period have been concentrated on this simplification issue and discussions about this topic. Nowadays, these discussions decreased but has been a hot issue to some extend as well. Today, the problem is not sorting out these loan words which settled in Turkish earlier, but the most important issue that is standing in front of us is to find out suitable Turkish vocabulary in the place of foreing words which might be newly entering or trying to enter Turkish language. Particularly, the words that come from Western popular culture and technology seem to be is a serious problem that confronts us, since we cannot find out new words in return in the place of any new words coming from various languages. As a matter of that, the real issue is to find new Turkish words in the place of these foreing words that are about enter into Turkish language and in return those new appropriate words are needed to be usable and practicle in daily life and in literary Turkish language. Turkish Language Association, other institutions on language and some people propose new Turkish words instead of foreing ones, but unfortunately there are some obstacles to overcome and make it a success regarding this issue. As it is known that there are some problems while finding new Turkish words instead of foreing words and making them us


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