Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçe Öğretiminde Atasözleri Ve Deyimlerin Sıklık Analizi


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 7

Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe öğretiminde üzerinde durulması gereken önemli konulardan biri sıklık çalışmalarıdır. Sıklık, Türkçe Sözlük’ te “sık olma durumu, sık geçme, kullanımı sık olma” anlamına gelmektedir. Sıklık analizi çalışmaları, yabancı bir dili öğrenmeye çalışanlara öğretilecek kelimelerin tespit edilmesine imkân sağlar. Başarılı sonuçlar alabilmek için öğretilmesi hedeflenen kelimeler doğru belirlenmelidir. Ders kitaplarındaki ya da öğretim materyallerindeki kelimelerin rastgele seçilmesi ve dildeki bütün kelimelerin öğrenene öğretilmeye çalışılması öğretimi zora sokacak, başarıyı düşürecektir. Yabancılar için hazırlanan Türkçe kitaplarında, dilin sözcüklerinin kullanılış sıklığı göz önünde bulundurulmadığı için bu kitaplarda sözcük seçimi kişisel görüş ve değerlendirmeye bağlı kalmış, sözcük ve kavram açısından yetersizlikler, eksiklikler doğmuştur. Türkçe öğretimi yapan kurumlarda kullanılan öğretim materyalleri ve kitaplar tahminler yoluyla oluşturulmaktadır. Aynı sorun atasözleri ve deyimlerin öğretilmesinde de mevcuttur. Atasözleri ve deyimlerden ne ölçüde yararlanılması gerektiği, hangi seviyede hangi atasözleri ve deyimlerin öğretileceği konusunda da bir ölçüt bulunmamaktadır. Bu nedenle kelime sıklığı çalışmalarının yanı sıra sık kullanılan atasözleri ve deyimlerin de belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Araştırmada deyimlerin ve atasözlerinin sıklıklarının tespit edilebilmesi için, öğreticilerden oluşan bir kurul oluşturulmuştur. Yabancı dil olarak Türkçe alanında tecrübeli öğreticilerin görüşleri sorularak, sık kullanılan 150 atasözü ve 150 deyim belirlenmiştir. Bu listeler öğreticiler ve ders kitabı hazırlayanlar için kılavuz niteliğinde olacaktır.


One of the most important issues that should be underlined in teaching Turkish as foreign language is frequency studies. Frequency means “to be frequent, to be often, frequent usage” in Turkish dictionary. Frequency analysis studies provide possibilities to the foreign language learners to detect the words to be taught them. In order to get successful results, the words targeted to teach should be detected properly. To select the words from course books or teaching materials randomly and to be able to teach all the words of the language to the learner will make the foreign language learning difficult and this will reduce success. Due to the fact that frequency of the words in a language is not considered in the Turkish books prepared for the foreign language learners, word selection in these books depended on personal thoughts and evaluations and also absences in terms of words and concept came into existence in these books. The same problem is also seen in teaching proverbs and idioms. There is not any scale to measure in what extent proverbs and idioms should be utilized and in the subject of which proverbs and idioms may be taught in certain levels. Apart from the frequency analysis studies for words, frequency studies of proverbs and idioms will also be useful in terms of education. In the word frequency analysis studies towards the students whose mother tongue is Turkish, the detection of the words they use in written narration is made. Word usage is scanned and frequent used words are detected. However, this possibility cannot be found in the students who speak Turkish as foreign language. By starting from the point of the selections of the Turkish learners whose language dominance is not sufficient, will not give right results. In order to get successful results in teaching Turkish as foreign language, the words, proverbs and idioms to be taught should be detected properly. Trying to teach all the words, proverbs and idioms and not having a system or priority cause distraction of language learning desire in the learner and this causes unsuccessful results in language teaching. Due to the fact that, it is targeted to bring learners in a certain level in a limited time period especially in language teaching, to be systematic is important. With the expanding of the certain number of frequently used proverbs and idioms to the education process and with the support of listening, course books and activities to the process, a successful education process may be possible. Teaching the frequently used proverbs and especially idioms will increase the understanding of the texts given in that language. In order to detect the frequencies of idioms and proverbs, a committee consisting of teachers was formed for the study. In the light of the ideas and evaluations of the experienced teachers in the branch of teaching Turkish as foreign language, frequently used proverbs and idioms have been detected. The results have been presented with lists. These lists will be in guidance quality for the teachers and for the ones who prepare course books. The usage of proverbs and idioms properly in suitable places shows the capability of the language learner. However, the importance of teaching proverbs and idioms should not be limited with these issues. Culture should be gained together with the language in the process. A language learner also learns the values and view of life of the native speakers of the language with the help of proverbs and idioms. The more getting information on the concepts society give importance, the easier new proverbs and idioms are learned and interpretation capacity develops. The learner can compare the second culture with native culture and this has a stimulating power in terms of education. It increases memorability. Commonalities and differences do not belong only to language, but also they belong to culture. Language teacher will give priority to teaching of the proverbs including the concepts that he / she fi


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