Uşak’taki Tarihi Evlerde Giriş Düzenlemeleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 6

Geçmişten günümüze kent kimliğinin şekillenmesinde mimari yapılar önemli yer tutmaktadır ve mimarlık tarihi içerisinde konutlar, tasarımı ve malzemesi ile bulunduğu coğrafyayı en iyi şekilde yansıtan önemli sivil mimarlık ürünleri olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Tek katlı, çift katlı ya da daha kompleks olarak tasarlanmış geleneksel konutlarda cumba, çıkma, saçak, pencere gibi cepheyi hareketlendiren öğelerin yanında, giriş düzenlemeleri de oldukça önemlidir. Cephe ile aynı düzlemde tasarlanmış girişler, cepheden içe çekilmiş girişler ve cepheden dışa taşan girişler şeklinde üç gruba ayrılarak incelenebilen giriş uygulamaları, yapının özellikle sokağa bakan cephesini hareketlendirmektedir. Bu nedenle kentin tarihi kimliğinin belirlenmesinde ve aktarımında, geleneksel konut cephelerinin önemli bölümleri halindeki giriş uygulamaları önem arz etmektedir. Çalışma dahilinde, Uşak İli Merkez İlçede Aybey Mahallesi, Bozkurt Mahallesi, Işık Mahallesi, İslice Mahallesi, Karaağaç Mahallesi, Kemalöz Mahallesi, Köme Mahallesi, Özdemir Mahallesi ve Ünalan Mahallesi’nde inceleme kapsamına alınan eserlerde özellikle yapıların ana giriş düzenlemeleri konu edilmiştir***. Eve doğrudan girişin sağlandığı düzenlemelerin yer aldığı örneklerin dışında kalan avlu girişleri ya da bahçe girişleri kapsam dışı bırakılmıştır. İncelemeye dahil edilmiş eserlerde cephe ile aynı düzlemde tasarlanmış ve cepheden içe çekilmiş girişlerin varlığı söz konusu olmuştur. Bununla birlikte, cepheden dışa taşan giriş düzenlemesi ile karşılaşılmamıştır. Yapılan incelemede tespit edilen 112 adet konuta ait giriş düzenlemesi kendi içerisinde değerlendirilmeye alınarak ortak anlayışlar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.


Architectural structures are important in shaping the city from past to present. So residential architecture appears to be importance with design and material of the reflecting region in civil architectural products in architectural history. Entrance arrangements are important like bay, climbing, fringe elements, windows which animate the facade in single-layer, double-layer or more higher traditional housing. There are three types of facade arrangements. They are shaped with designed in the same plane as the facade, frontal shot inside the gates and overhung the front gates. Therefore facade arrangements which are the important part of the traditional housing are importance for determining of the city's historic identity and the transfer of the city's historical identity. In this study analysis was performed in Aybey District, Bozkurt District, Işık District, İslice District, Karaağaç District, Kemalöz District, Köme District, Özdemir District ve Ünalan District in Central District of Usak Province. It is kept within the subject especially the main entrance of the building of the examining of the work. It focused on the direct access to the structure or the main entrance. But courtyard or garden entries have not been studied in the study. It has been more extensive in examples of particularly drawn to the front inside in facade arrangements to examples ofoutside the entrance to the courtyard or garden entry. Decorations are also udes in facade arrangemets. The effective of Western art are seen at the form of arch or ceiling decoration. When the front of the entrance examination of 112 traditional house, it has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 4 of house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 11 of house in Aybey District. Arched forms have been applied in 6 of the examples in Aybey District. It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 9 house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 11 house in Bozkurt District likewise Aybey District. 8 of the works have been used in rectangular form and 3 of the works have been used in arched form in Bozkurt District. There are 15 works in Işık District and It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 10 house of these works. It is drawn inward from the front entrance on 6 of the works. 3 of the works have been used in rectangular form and 3 of the works have been used in arched form in Işık District. All door openings are rectangular-shaped in Işık District. It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 2 house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 6 house in Karaağaç District. Just 2 of the works have been used in arched form in Karaağaç District. All door openings are rectangular-shaped in Karaağaç like Işık District. There are 2 works in Kemalöz District and it has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on one house of these works. One of the works have been used in arched form in Kemalöz District. It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 13 house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 14 house in Köme District. 6 of the works have been used in arched form in Köme District. It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 10 house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 6 house in Özdemir District. 6 of the works have been used in arched form in Özdemir District. It has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 2 house but it is drawn inward from the front entrance on 6 house in Ünalan District. 2 of the works have been used in arched form in Ünalan District. In whole 112 of the examples it has emerged that on the same plane as the entrance facade on 51 of house. It is observed in front entrance arrangements that a certain amount of inner recess which the inlet arrangement of the examples in the scope of work. It is different from the depth of the recess on review the scope of the hous


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