Özbekçe ve Türkiye Türkçesinde Fiil - Tamlayıcı İlişkisi


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Fiil tamlayıcıları fiilin anlamını tamamlayan ögelerdir. Fiil ile tamlayıcılar arasındaki ilişkiyi sağlayan ise hâl ekleridir. Çalışmamızda incelediğimiz fiiller tamlayıcılarının birden fazla kullanımını, hâl eki tayinindeki değişimini ve fiilin farklı hâl ekli kullanımlara ihtiyaç duyduğunu göstermektedir. Ancak birden fazla anlamı olan fiillerde, aynı fiil farklı tamlayıcılar almakta ve böylece aldığı tamlayıcının anlama göre değiştiği sonucu burada ortaya çıkmaktadır. Buna göre tamlayıcıların değişmesi aynı zamanda lehçeler arası bir aktarma problemi de yaratabilir. Aktarmaları daha kolay bir hale getirmek sadece kelimelerin anlamını bilmek değil, tamlayıcılarının da anlam üzerindeki etkisini bilmeyi gerektirir. Bu çalışmada Özbekçe ve Türkiye Türkçesinde fiil tamlayıcı ilişkisi ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Uzbek Tilinig İzohli Lugati incelenerek rastgele seçilmiş, biri 26, biri 9 ve diğeri 4 farklı anlama sahip olan üç fiil kullanılmıştır. Farklı anlamlara sahip olan bu fiiller aynı temel anlamdan gelişen yan anlamlar gibi görünse de kullanım yerleri ve cümleye kattıkları anlam farkları dikkat çekicidir. Bu fiillerin tamlayıcılarının hem Özbekçede hem de Türkiye Türkçesinde verilmek istenen anlama göre değiştiği gösterilmiştir. Hal eklerinin cümle içinde fiillerin anlamını değiştirecek nitelikte olduğunun ortaya çıkarılması isteği çalışmamızın temel hareket noktası olmuştur. Hem tarihi hem de çağdaş Türk lehçelerinde fiillerle ilgili yapılan tüm çalışmalar aynı zamanda tamlayıcılarıyla olan ilişkilerine de değinme gereği doğurmuştur. Türk lehçelerinde her hangi bir fiilin aldığı istem yani tamlayıcı, Türkiye Türkçesinde farklı bir istemle kullanılıyorsa farklı bir anlama gelmesi de muhtemeldir.


The valence is verbal predicate that provides the meaning. Case suffixes enable the relation between the verbs and the complements. In this very study, the verbs analyzed indicates that these verbs require to have more than one usage of complements, alteration of case suffix indication and different case suffixes of the verbs. However, It is revealed that the same verb takes different valence at the verbs which have more than one meaning and therefore these valences change according to the meanings. For this reason, the alteration of complements may result in some problems while translating between the dialects. It is required that in this study, the relation between Uzbek and Turkey Turkish valences is analyzed. Three verbs, one of which has 26 different meanings, the other 9 meanings, and the other one has 4 different meanings randomly chosen are analyzed according to Uzbek Tilinig İzohli Lugati. It has been concluded that these valences change according to the inferences meant both in Uzbek and Turkey Turkish. In this study, in the samples researched from twelve sources case suffix structure that need valences in terms of meaning and function and also how the valences are used have been demonstrated. The meanings of the verbs that are paranthized beside the sentences are enumerated without changing the orders in the dictionary. For this reason it can be seen that the verb tush- that means düşmek and inmek, the verb ajral- that means ayrılmak and boşanmak and also the verb quv- that means peşine düşmek and kovmak are frequently used in the texts we have scanned. According to these meanings valences that complement the verbs vary from a text to another text. That is to say, even if it has been considered that the valences are broadened from central meaning into connotations, the meaning alters the valences. The studies that have been done so far the functions of the case suffixes have been analyzed. However it will provide us to get an extensive results to reveal how the verbs in the vocabulary are used with which case suffixes. This study is based on the desire to reveal the case suffixes are eligible to change the meaning of the verbs in the sentences. It referred us to mention the relations between the valences and the verbs in all of the studies regarding both modern Turkish dialects and ancients Turkish dialects. The valence that complements any verb in Turkish dialect is likely to mean some different meaning if it is used different from Turkey Turkish. While the valences which are changing according to meaning cause a translation problem between the dialects, the valences we studied in this article have not posed any problem. In this regard, it is crucial to know this quotation “To facilitate translation among Turkish dialects, beside the dictionaries that provide meanings of the words, valence dictionaries should also be prepared.” Mustafa Uğurlu says (Ugurlu: 1999, 205). Moreover, the notion of case that is connected directly between noun and the verb pose B problem fort he language learners who try to determine the case suffixes. The learners decide which case suffix is used with which verb. For example, it can be difficult to define the dative case suffix when it is used with the verb. It can be sometimes dative case suffix “to” and sometimes it can ben an aim “to” (Melanlıoğlu: 2012, 2403). The aim of this study is to reveal the verbs were used in various meanings in the sentences according to the case suffixes. In this context, it made us possible to see that the verbs having more than one meaning include different meanings depending the case suffixes. While no difference has been observed in the verbs having sole meanings inthe verbs having nine meanings the valences usually resulted in changing the meaning. It has been determined that the situation defined in Uzbek is similar both in Turkey Turkish. While the main element which is the meaning of the verb is defined in the relation between the verb an


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