Gülperi Hanım ve Güldeste-i Hatırat


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Hayatı hakkında fazla da bilgi sahibi olmadığımız Gülperî Hanım, Kahire Sarayında yetişmiştir. Mısır’da gelişen Türk edebiyatının üç önemli kadın şairinden birisidir. Kendisi, dö-nemin Mısır valilerinden olan İbrahim Paşa’nın hanımı, Hoşyar Hanım’ın sarayında yetişmiştir. Daha sonra H


The Ottomans have written very important works in literature and culture in Egypt. Some of these works are placed in Egypt's libraries, and these works of which just some are discovered have been a bridge transmintting the important issues like the public constitution, language and culture of the period in which they were written. Being seen as either prose or poem, they are very significant in terms of Turkish-Egyptian cultural relationships. It redounded a different meaning that some of them were written by Egyptian poets and authors. Many aspects of the period were reflected by the writers. One of these works was Güldeste-i Hatırat written as a mesnevî by Gülperi Hanım, who was a handmaiden grown up in the Kahire Palace. The work is very essential as it illuminates the century and reflects the lives in Egypt then. Because Gülperi Hanım projected the interesting things she saw as she was travelling and the public's way of thinking to her poems. Written in the term that Egypt was under control of England, it is crucial as it clarifies the difference in the way the people looked at the period, the situation that the Ottomans who stayed in Egypt were in, the sadness and distinct thoughts. Gülperi Hanım, who travelled many places that are touristic now by ship, faced a different scene at every harbour she stopped by, and she expressed the reaction to these in her poems. It also constitutes importance that the poems were written with one prosody in the way of it is masnavi. Gülperi Hanım also let us know about what kind of position the cultural structure and Turkish literature were at writing a one-prosodied masnavi. Gülperi Hanım, about whom we know very little, was known as handmaiden grown up in Kahire Palace. She was one of the three outstanding female writers of Turkish Literature that grew up in Egypt and was brought up in the castle of Hoşyar Hanım who was the wife of one of Egypt’s governors, İbrahim Paşa. Later she went to the castle of H


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