Tokat Mahmut Paşa Camii Kalem İşi Bezemeleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 6

Türklerin Anadolu’ya girmelerinden kısa bir süre sonra Danişmendliler’in eline geçen Tokat Anadolu’da Türk kültürünü ve mimarisini en iyi yansıtan kentlerden birisidir. Şehir merkezinde ve çevresinde farklı türden birçok yapıyla karşılaşmak mümkündür. Bu yapılar arasında camiler önemli bir yere sahiptir. Özellikle Osmanlılar döneminde inşa edilen camilerin önemli bir bölümünü ahşap tavanlı camiler oluşturur. Gerek Tokat merkezde gerekse ilçelerinde karşılaştığımız ahşap tavanlı camilerin bir kısmında oldukça zengin kalem işi süslemeler bulunmaktadır. Tokat Ulu Camii (onrm.1678/79), Erbaa Akça (Fidiköy) Kasabası Silahtar Ömer Paşa Camii (17. yy son çeyreği), Genç Mehmed Paşa (Örtmeönü) Camii (17. yy. sonu), Zile Elbaşoğlu Camii (1801) ve Reşadiye Çarşı Camii kentteki ahşap tavanlı, kalem işi süslemeli camilerden bazılarıdır. Söz konusu yapılar araştırmacılar tarafından incelenip bilim dünyasına tanıtılmıştır. Bu çalışmada ele alınan Mahmut Paşa Camii yukarıda isimlerini saydığımız camiler gibi ahşap tavanlı ve zengin kalem işi süslemeli bir örnektedir. 17. Yüzyılın sonlarında inşa edilen yapının tavanında, kadınlar mahfilinde ve minberinde oldukça dikkate değer kalem işi süslemeler bulunmaktadır. Ancak caminin kadınlar mahfili, minberi ve tavan pervazındaki süslemeler 2005 yılına kadar boya altında kaldığından araştırmacılar tarafından fark edilmemiştir. 2005 yılında Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü tarafından gerçekleştirilen restorasyonda söz konusu bölümlerdeki boyalar kaldırılmış ve alttaki zengin kalem işi süslemeler ortaya çıkarılmıştır. Bu makalede camideki kalem işi süslemeler bir bütün olarak ayrıntılı biçimde tekrar tanımlanmıştır. Süslemelerin Türk kalemişi süsleme sanatındaki yeri ve önemi diğer örneklerle karşılaştırılarak vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır.


Soon afterwards Turks got in Anatolia, Tokat was seized Danismends, Anatolian Seljuks, Ilkhanids, Eretna Beylic and Ottoman Empire, respectively. For this reason Tokat is one of the cities which represent Turks traditional and architecture very well in Anatolia. Tokat center and neighborhood host a lot of kind of architectures such as mosque, madrasa, prayer room, carvansaray, tomb and zawia. All of them architectures, mosques have a place in. Especially wooden ceiling mosques which built in Ottoman era have an extensive coverage among these mosques. Both Tokat’s center and Tokat’s district we encounter wooden painting mosques which have quite rich wooden painting. Tokat Great Mosque (restoration 1678/79), Erbaa Silahtar Omer Pasha Mosque (last quarter 17th century), Genc Mehmed Pasha Mosque (late 17th century), Zile Elbasoglu Mosque (1801) and Resadiye Mosque are sample these mosques. These mosques are introduced by scientists to science World. Hand-carved ornaments have been implemented to Stones, woods and plasters since early age of Turkish art. However, these ornaments is became widespread by Anatolian Seljuks. Afterwards Anatolian Seljuks reign Beylics use these ornaments as well. Hand-carved ornaments get wide field of application. Especially the number of architectures which are implemented hand-carved on wood raised in 17th Century and after. İn recently studies some of these architectures in Anatolia are examined and introduced by researchers. However still there are a lot of unknown buildings. Mahmut Pasha Mosque which deal with in this paper has a wooden ceiling and hand-carved ornaments as above-stated samples. The mosque is located in Devegormez Street on Behzad boulevard. The mosqees’s plan is nearly square. Although the mosque has unsophisticated view it has interior walls that are decorated rich hand-carved on wood. Now these are no inscription of mosque. So mosques year of built is not known. But by looking at father’s names of mosque it can be dated on the bases of century. In sources, it is refered to two Mahmud Pasha related to Tokat. Both lived in 17th century. The first of these did Aleppo governer and died in 1616. The other is Kemankes Mahmud Pasha. He orginally was born in Tokat and got a variety of charge in Ottoman breaucracy. He was Ozi Governer in 1684 and later he was Kamanice guard. He died 45 years old. Probably Kemankes Mahmud Pasha lived second half of the 17th century is father of this mosque. The reason is that a great extent of ornaments of mosque which built in late 17th century. On the mosques ceiling, women gathering-place and minbar there is remarkable hand-carved ornament. However ornament on the mosque’s women gathering-place, minbar and ceiling sill aren’t realized by researchers now that they didn’t cover until 2005. During restoration got by General Directorate for Foundations in 2005 ornaments are uncovered. There are penc, hatayi, palmette, tulip and clove motifs in hand-carved ornemants of mosque. These motifs are alined on a tree brach on borders. Moreover in ceiling rose and minbar these ornaments are placed in multiwaystars and geometrical desing. These kind of ornaments are fount in Tokat Great Mosque (restoration 1678/79), Genc Mehmed Pasha (Ortmeonu) Mosque (late 17th century), Merzifon Cay (Ascı Huseyın Aga) Mosque, Merzifon Eyup Celebi Mosque (17th century), Gaziantep Ahmed Celebi Mosque (1672), Merzifon Narince Village Abide Hatun Mosque (1680), Ankara Zincirli Mosque (1685) and Erbaa Silahtar Omer Pasha Mosque (last quarter 17th century) which are contemporary with Mahmut Pasha Mosque. However, on a part of ceiling’s borders and south side belts of women gathering-place, some ornaments like ornaments which are make up after 17th century in terms of wording. Especially on gathering-place’s belts bouquet with vase isn’t coincide with mosque’s year of built in terms of wording. Despite the fact that flower desing with vase use Ottoman architecture since early periods


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