Semey Eyaletinde Yaşayan Gagauzlardan Kaydedilmiş Folklor Metinleri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 8

Gagauz Türkçesi, genellikle Türkiye Türkçesinin bir ağzı gibi değerlendirilen bir Türk lehçesidir. Böyle olmakla beraber kendine özgü bir takım özellikleri de bulunmaktadır. Hatta denilebilir ki bazı gramer özellikleri ve kelimeleri itibarıyla Çağdaş Türkiye Türkçesinden daha çok arkaik bir karakter taşımaktadır. 1957 yılında yazı dili haline gelen bu lehçe, bilindiği üzere yazı dilini en geç oluşturmuş Türk lehçesidir. Bu bakımdan da edebî eserlerinin sayısı bu döneme kadar oldukça sınırlı kalmıştır. Fakat son yıllarda başta Moldova’daki Gagauz Eri Özerk Bölgesi’nde olmak üzere Gagauz Türkçesiyle yazılmış çok sayıda eserin yayımlandığı görülmektedir. Buna paralel olarak Ukrayna’da da kitaplar basılmaktadır. Bunlar içinde özellikle şiir türünde eserler başı çekmektedir. Şiirin yanında Moldova ve Ukrayna’daki Gagauzların anadili eğitim ile birlikte Gagauz Türkçesinin öğretimi üzerine hazırlanmış veya hazırlanmakta olan pek çok eser de dikkat çekmektedir. Anadili eğitimin yaygınlaşmasıyla beraber ileri de Gagauz Türkçesiyle oluşturulan eserlerin sayısında önemli ölçüde artış beklenmektedir. Gagauzlar bugün başta Moldova’daki Gagauz Eri (Gagauz Yeri) olmak üzere Ukrayna, Bulgaristan, Yunanistan, Romanya gibi ülkelerde yaşamaktadırlar. Asli yerleşim yerleri olan Tuna bölgesinden (Dobruca) 19. ve 20. yüzyıllar arası göç ettirilen Gagauzlar, diğer Türk toplulukları gibi SSCB döneminde de zorunlu göçe maruz tutulmuşlardır. Büyük sıkıntılar çekmişlerdir. Bugün Kazakistan’da da bu sürgünden kalan Gagauzların bakiyeleri bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla coğrafi olarak Batı Türkçesi içerisinde yer alan Gagauz Türkçesinin konuşurları mücbir sebeplerle Türkçenin Kuzey-doğu Türkçesini konuşan Kazak Türklerinin (Kıpçak grubu) yaşadıkları coğrafyada hayata tutunmuşlardır. Aynı şekilde Brezilya’ya, Rusya’ya ve son yıllarda Türkiye’ye göç etmiş ve oralarda da yerleşmiş Gagauz grupları bulunmaktadır.


The aim of A.S. Amanzholov’s work on the folklore of Gagauz people living in Kazakhstan is to collect their oral literature materials. Current geography of Gagauz inhabitancy is also mentioned in this article. Not only do they live on the territories of such countries as Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, but also in the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan (regions of Semey, Pavlodar, Aktobe, Almaty, Shymkent), Kirgisistan and Uzbecastan. Especially, information about those Gagauz people that are currently living on the territory of Bucak district is shared. Given materials date back up to the year of 1965 of the Soviet Union period. The main part of the article, of course, introduces different examples of folklore texts. Gagauz Turkish is a Turkic language and it is usually considered as a dialect of a Turkey Turkish. Although it has a number of unique features. Actually, it may be said that from the point of view of its grammar peculiarities and vocabulary it bears more archaic character of Modern Turkey Turkish. In 1957 this dialect came into written language, thus it is known as the latest Turkish dialect that obtained the written form. The number of literary works in this regard has been rather limited until today. But in recent years in particular the “Gagauz Eri” Autonomous Region in Moldova shows a large number of published works in written Gagauz Turkish. In parallel, there are books printed in Ukraine as well. Among them especially works of poetry obtain the leading position. Along with the poetry there are a lot of works of Gagauz Turkish in Moldova and Ukraine prepared or being in preparation for the teaching or learning of Gagauz mother tongue, that are also attract attention. It is expected the significant increase of the number of works created in the Gagauz Turkish forward with the expansion of native education. Nowadays Gagauz people live in so-called Gagauz Eri (Gagauz Place) in Moldova and also live in countries such as Ukraine, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania. Gagauz people were expatriated out from their main settlements – the Danube region (Dobrudja) between 19 and 20th centuries, as well as other Turkish communities during the period of the USSR they also have been subjected to forced migration. They faced great challenges. Today there is Gagauz immigrants’ mark is remaining in Kazakhstan. Thus, geographically located within the Western Turkish speakers Gagauz Turkish speakers in consequence of force majeure cling to life in the region of Kazakh Turks (Kipchak group) who spoke north-eastern Turkish. Likewise, there are also Gagauz groups emigrated in recent years and settled to Brazil, Russia and Turkey. The main purpose of this article is to present language pecularities of Gagauz people living in Kazakhstan. Therefore, singularities of their dialect features, while living on the previous habitant territories and before moving to these lands are described. Dialect pecularities of Gagauz people living in Kazakhstan are compared with dialect of those living in Bucak district. In 1960 A.S. Amanzholov visited Vulkaneshty, Etulia and Cheshmekoy villages situated in the region of Vulkaneshty, Moldova, in order to collect foklore materials of Gagauz people habitting there. In this work, speaking language of Gagauz people living in the Semey region was compared from different points of view, based on the compiled materials. As the result, it was discovered that speaking language pecularities of Gagauz people from the districts Kokpekti and Jarma of Semey province, Kazakhstan are very similar Cheshmekoy dialect of Gagauz people from Bucak region (based on “Bir Popaz Masalı” and “Annatma” texts). In the course of his investigation A.S. Amanzholov points out obvious differences between Chemeshkoy and Chadyr-lunga with Komrat dialects (with mutual dialect) in this way: 1. In the Cheshmekoy language dialect -primarily like any other southern dialect-, the “e” sound is not changed into “ä”, it remains without any change, like in


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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