Bitlis Şehrinde Taş Ustalığı ve Geleneksel Kent Mimarisine Etkisi


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 6

Kültür ve uygarlık tarihinde çok önemli bir yere sahip olan Anadolu, birçok medeniyetin izlerini bir arada taşıyan bir mozaiğe sahiptir. Bu mozaiğin vazgeçilmez parçalarından olan mimari eserler, Anadolu'nun kültürel mirasının başlıca hazineleri arasında yer almaktadır. Bitlis şehri de Anadolu'nun tarihi ve kültürel geçmişine paralel olarak çok sayıda gelişmiş uygarlığa ev sahipliği yapmış ve tescilli mimari eserler bakımından Türkiye'deki önemli şehirlerden biridir. Şüphesiz ki Anadolu'daki ve Bitlis'teki çok sayıda mimari yapının asırlar öncesinden günümüze ulaşmış olması, taş malzeme ile bu malzemeyi oya gibi nakşeden taş ustalığı sayesindedir. Gerek Anadolu'da gerekse Bitlis'te oldukça gelişmiş olan taş ustalığı sayesinde çok iyi taş ustaları yetişmiştir. Şehirde, şaşılacak düzeyde ve çok sayıda anıtsal mimari yapının günümüze ulaşmış olması ve tarihi kent dokusunun hemen hemen korunması ve bugünkü kent çekirdeğini de oluşturması, taş ve taş ustalığının ortaya koyduğu sanat eserleriyle yakından ilgilidir. Şehir kimliğinin ve tarihi dokusunun oluşmasını sağlayan taş ustalığı, şehirleşme ve modern yaşam anlayışının etkisiyle günümüzde hızla yok olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Bitlis şehrindeki taş ustalığının geçmişten günümüze gelişimi ve geleneksel kent mimarisine etkisi, günümüzdeki durumu, sorunları ile bu zanaatın yaşatılması için yapılması gerekenler irdelenmiştir.


Bitlis city has a parallel history of the long-established and rich cultural history of Anatolia. Bitlis which is not like today's neglected and desolate image is a city that has hosted many ancient civilizations and that date back thousands of years. Bitlis city which is one of the oldest settlements of Anatolia is built a deep and narrow valley formed by the Tigris River, one of the arms of splitting the South-eastern Taurus on the Bitlis River system. Bitlis in using the advantages of its geographical location, since the most ancient epoch, was in view arts, commerce and science activities that develop a flourishing Anatolian city. Indeed the region in various periods has been one of the most advanced and the most prominent cities in the region of art, architecture, and scientific life. Various professions and crafts in particular stand out as a prominent activity in the city. Mainly stone mastery, blacksmithing, weaving craftsmanship as leather crafts are even today among the occupational groups the importance of protecting Bitlis. The mastery of stone and examples of traditional architecture forming the subject of the study and has a very important place in the city of Bitlis. Stone mastery has a history of close to the history of city's establishment. It have made it essential the use of stone both geographical conditions and geological characteristics of Bitlis. The movement to provide easy, durable, natural and easy handling, thermal insulation advantages of stone in respect of a century in the city have led to the fact that the basic material used for years. In this study it is examined the historical process lived in Bitlis, stone mastery and its reflections in urban architecture, and today the stone mastery and mastery of the protection of the architectural examples out results and findings related to the survival made and what to do to be transferred to the profession's future generations. Examination –observation and researches related field of study research work unfolds as a priority is made. Later on, it has been made the literature review on Bitlis topic title and stone mastery. The main headlines of this study has revealed as classifying of literature and as analysing of works. After the literature study it was made interviews with stone masters in the city and it has been supplied the necessary documents on the subject from various public organizations. In conclusion work was completed by examining the architectural fabric of the city and architectural examples setting forth on the stone mastery in Bitlis. Bitlis is located among cities the most finding of proprietary architecture with historical and cultural value in the Anatolian city. The attainment to today of historical and cultural richness of Bitlis, beginning with element in the emergence of architectural masterpieces comes from stone material and stone masters. The city has a special significance of Anatolian folk architecture with its unique stone structure examples specified with craftsmanship and workmanship with Ahlat. Indeed, Bitlis’ stone masters are their jobs those who perform very well for thousands of years with the city's historical and cultural architecture beyond the centuries. Having developed so much mastery of stone in the city and the emergence of many monumental stone structures extending beyond the ages are closely related to no doubt that the historical accumulation of Bitlis, the structure and the advantages of natural stone materials. Bitlis located on a valley surrounded by mountains and on the volcanic terraces has geologically rich stone and a large number of quarries. Ensuring easily transported and processed, showing long resistance to wear and durability, aesthetics and advantages against heat, necessitated the use of stone the construction of buildings in the region. The stone mastery in Bitlis was also mostly imported from master to apprentice and from father to son. Masters, the knowledge they have, skills an


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