As A Preacher And Educationalist Vani Mehmed Efendi’s Life, Literary Personality, Works

Vanî Mehmed Efendi (b.?- d.1685), who lived during the era of Ottoman empire Sultans called Mehmed the fourth and Sultan Ibrahim, is one of the distinguished scientists raised by the 17th Turkish period. After completing his education in Van he worked as a hodja and preacher in Erzurum, Istanbul and Bursa. Furthermore, he served as a sultan preacher and hace-i sultan in İstanbul. He had Vaniköy mosque in İstanbul and Vanî Mehmed Efendi mosque in Bursa built. He passed away in Bursa where he was sent to exile in 1685. Vanî Mehmed Efendi gave importance to educate the public and statesmen with his letters and conversations. He invited people to goodness and prohibited evilness. It can be said that with his works, he was a leading personality in the Turkish nationalism. In this study, the pedagogue aspect of Vanî Mehmed Efendi has especially been emphasized, his understanding of education and literature has been evaluated and his works have been referred to. Vanî Mehmed Efendi has works called Arâis-ül-Qurân, Hülâsât-üt-Tefâsîr, Risâle-i Mebde vel-Meâd, Amâl-ül-Yevm vel-Leyl ve Münşeat.


Vanî Mehmed Efendi, Araisül-Quran, Münşeat, Education

Author : Yasin KILIÇ
Number of pages: 617-632
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Atıf Sayısı: : 4
Journal of Turkish Studies
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