Çanakkale Cephesinde Mustafa Kemal


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 1

Birinci Dünya Savaşı’nın tarihi seyri içinde Çanakkale Cephesi, askerî ve siyasî sonuçları itibariyle Türk ve Dünya tarihinde önemli bir yer tutar. Çanakkale harekatı Boğazlara ve İstanbul’a egemen olma savaşlarıdır. İtilaf Devletleri’nin Osmanlı’yı tarih sahnesinden silip, önem kazanan topraklarına sahip olmak ve sömürgelerinin selameti için Hilafet gücünü ortadan kaldırmaya yönelik bir hamlesidir. Buna karşı Çanakkale’deki mücadele aynı zamanda bir milletin var olma mücadelesidir. Bu savaşlar Osmanlı’nın daha tükenmediğini ve var olduğunu ispatlayıcı niteliktedir. Sonraki yıllarda gerçekleşecek olan Milli mücadelenin dayanak noktasıdır. Ayrıca Çanakkale zaferi Türk milletinin emperyalizm karşısında duruşuyla dünya sömürge tarihinin değişiminde önem bir yere sahiptir. Bu mücadeleler içerisinde bu savaşın isimsiz binlerce kahraman asker ve komutanları olmuştur. Çalışmamızın ana konusu olan onlardan sadece biri, bu savaş süresince önce Yarbay sonrasında Albay olan Mustafa Kemal isimli bu genç subay, Çanakkale Savaşlarıyla bütünleşmiş ve “Anafartalar Kahramanı” adıyla üne kavuşmuş, ayrıca “İstanbul’u Kurtaran Komutan” unvanlarıyla bütün yurtta tanınmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Mustafa Kemal’in Gelibolu’nun muhtelif yerlerinde üstlendiği önemli görevler başta olmak üzere, Kara Savaşları’nda gösterdiği başarılar ve bu savaşlar içerisinde ki üstlendiği rol, önemli olaylar çerçevesinde ele alınmaktadır.


In respect of its military and political results, Dardanelles Wars have an important role in Turkish and World History within the historical process of the World War I. Gallipoli campaign was a matter of dominating Straits and Istanbul. It was a move made by the Allies for erasing the Ottoman Empire from the stage of history, conquering its soils that were gaining importance within that period and abolishing the power of caliphate for the safety of their colonies. On the contrary, the fight in Dardanelles was also a struggle to survive of a nation. This war also proved that the Ottomans did not give out yet and they were still there. And it would be the mainstay for the war of independence to be realized in the ensuing years. Besides, Çanakkale victory has an important place in the change of the history colonialism with the stance of Turkish nation against the imperialism. Within these struggles, there have been thousands of nameless soldier and commander heroes of this war. The main subject of our work is only one of them; the young army officer, Mustafa Kemal, who was a lieutenant colonel before this war and colonel after that. He communed with Dardanelles Wars, gained fame with the name “Anafartalar Hero” and was known throughout the nation with the title of “the Commander who saved Istanbul”. He apperared in Istanbul press with his success in dardanelles ground war, and called public's attention notably the military circles. It was seen that Mustafa Kemal was followed closely by not only by the local circles in the Ottoman Istanbul, but also by the Allied Powers, particularly by the English, due to his military successes. Besides being a decisive trashing for the Entente Forces, Dardanelles Wars became a great loss of prestige for England and France, the countries with colonies all around the world. And for the Ottoman Empire, bringing self confidence to Ottoman people after the Balkan defeat, this victory ensured the society reawaken despite the inadequacy of technological opportunities. With the Dardanelles victory, it was seen that the Ottoman Empire still kept its power and dynamism, which was thought to collapse by the Western Countries. This was a substantial source of motivation for the new Turkish state to be founded further on. The Dardanelles Wars involve many known and unknown heroic sagas of gallant soldiers. And one of the most important ones among them is certainly Mustafa Kemal. He was historic with his victories in Dardanelles Wars. His military genius and leadership rose to prominence in the Dardanelles battles and he earned reputation as a known commander at home and abroad. Mustafa Kemal’s role in Dardanelles battles, which is an important event to affect the future of a nation and the duration of a great war, is unarguably major and significant. Mustafa Kemal to determine rightly the place where enemies would land in the Dardanelles Wars, keep the land in the middle of the Gallipoli peninsula with strategic importance under control constantly, affect the course of events during the war with his well-directed and brave decisions and set his soldiers an example by taking part before them in times of attack brought him into prominence. While all these happenings did not escape from the notice of domestic and foreign observers, the soldiers witnessing the said events mentioned what they saw when they went back to their homelands. Mustafa Kemal Pasha was known by people as the Anafartalar hero when he arrived to Anatolia as the leader of the National Struggle. He had defeated the English, so he could do it once again. This thought was accepted by the hopeless people of the National Struggle period as a source of hope. The same thing enabled him to be accepted as a political leader in the opening of the Grand National Assembly as well. He became the undisputed leader of the National Struggle. Today, the victory gained in Dardanelles involves important messages for our nation to be in unity. Martyrs lie in Da


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