Etnosentrik Söylem ve Habercilik


Number of pages:
2015-Volume 10 Issue 2

Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de haber dilinin kuramsal değerlendirilmesini kapsayan yaklaşımlar birkaç örnekle ele alınmaya gayret edildi. Ele alınan haberlerde gizli ve kurgulanan etnosentrik(ırkçı) söylemlerin bilinçaltına nasıl aktarıldığı da anlatılması amaçlandı. Değerlendirme yapılırken haberin gerçekle bağı ve bağımsız bir haberin oluşmasının söz konusu olup olmadığı analiz edilmesi ilk hedefti. Çalışmada ayrıca Türkiye’de bir ilk olarak görülen eşcinsel evliliğin haber olarak kurgulanışı, haberde etnik kimliğin ele alınışı, oluşturulan haberin doğurduğu sonuç ve kullanılan haber dilinin yaşadığı toplumdan bağımsız olup olmadığı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın gayelerinden biri olan haber dilinde etnosentrik tutumun habercilikte nasıl bir yer kapladığı ve ayrıca toplumda egemen olan yapının haber diline nasıl etki ettiğinin karşılaştırılması söz konusu olduğu ele alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Son tahlilde yazılı basın haberciliğinin, gelişen yaygınlaşan internet haberciliğiyle birlikte güncelliğini yitirdiği göz önüne alınırsa, Türkiye’de gazeteler, kamuoyunu yönlendirme işlevini gelişen teknolojik alt yapıyla birlikte hızlı bir şekilde internet üzerinden enformasyon-dezenformasyon kurgusuyla yürüttüğü ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu amaçla hazırlanan bu çalışma, haberin tarafgirliğinin yanı sıra etnosentrik tutumu da gözler önüne sermesi amaçlandı. Ayrıca habercilikte kullanılan dilin siyasal kutuplar arasında nasıl bir biçim aldığı ve kitleleri nasıl yönlendirdiği de değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca haber dilinin ulusal ve yerel olarak nasıl değiştiği de ele alınmakla birlikte haber dilinin tarafsız kalamadığı ve yapılan haberlerin hedef kitleleri nasıl yönlendirdiği de tahlil edilmiştir.


In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the language of reporting in Turkey from a theoretical perspective through analyses of a number of examples. In addition, the study aims to show how sublime and constructed ethnocentric (racist) rhetoric is instilled in the subconscious. Evaluating the connection of the reporting with the reality and whether the reporting is made under independent circumstances was the primary goal in the analysis undertaken here. In the study, assessment of the editing of the gay marriage, as a unique event happening for the first time in Turkey, the representation of ethnic identity in news, the impact created by the news, whether the language of the news was independent of the society in which it was constructed. Next to shedding light on the place of ethnocentric language in news reporting, the study comparatively demonstrates the effect of hegemonic structures on the language of reporting. In the final analysis, it becomes clear with the declining influence of printing press relative to internet reporting that in Turkey with advancements in technological infrastructure, printing press is losing ground to internet as the primary instrument of information and disinformation. To this end, the study aimed at showing the biased and ethnocentric attitude in news reporting. When it is generally thought, it is observed that the news is objective but the reporters, editors experience a dilemma in the differentiation of fact and value when they make news in specific times. Besides the “Gay Marriage” being in the news which, for the first time has been in the news in Turkey, it has been noted how this news has been through changes in terms of its language being fictionalized nationally and locally. While the news language was being fictionalized based on ethnic identity in the national point of view; the incident which took place was formed locally according to traditions and the belief of “a desire which is considered as ‘disgrace, forbidden, sin, ill-gotten, sign of doomsday’ would reshape the image of a town, was observed. This consideration corroborates the argument that presents “critical theory” which says it is impossible for the news and the reporter to reflect the truth. The news should be fictionalized based on the truth. Besides the fact that the news should be objective, it also should not bear traces of the ideologies, the philosophies and the lives of the reporters-gatekeepers. However, while the first news of “gay marriage” in Turkey was being broadcasted, the news was served locally with an ethnocentric language and fictionalized by the symbols which are fed by religious rituals that have become conservative and lost objectivity. It has become unrealistic both in national and local news by not mentioning or not bringing forward the love between the couples and the feelings for each other. The news tells a true story that really happened. Besides that, it was not pursued that the language that is being used in the Gay News would be indignant in the society. When it is seen in this context, it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that the language of the news in Turkey cannot free itself from standards of judgment-power groups of the society in terms of politics, culture and religion.


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