Herat Meselesi Ve İran-İngiliz Savaşının (1856-1857) Osmanlı Devleti’ne Etkileri


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2015-Volume 10 Issue 1

XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yarısı, dünya üzerindeki büyük güçlerin rekabetine sahne olmuştur. Bu rekabette başta İngiltere olmak üzere, Rusya ve Fransa etkili diğer güç odakları olarak belirli bölgelerde nüfuz alanları oluşturma ve buraları koruma noktasında hareket etmişlerdir. Osmanlı ve İran ise mevcut zayıf durumları itibariyle bu büyük güçler arasında kalmış devletler görüntüsü vermişlerdir. Bu bağlamda İran’ın, tarihi evveliyatı ile etki alanı olarak gördüğü Afganistan’daki Herat şehrini 1856 tarihinde işgal etmesiyle başlayan süreç, 1856-1857 yılları arasında uluslararası bir meseleye dönüşmüştür. İngiltere, İran’ın bu hareketini kendi sömürge toprağı olan Hindistan’a yönelik bir tehdit olarak algılamış ve Herat’tan çıkması hususunda İran’ı uyarıp tehdit etmeye başlamıştır. İran ise, 1853 senesinde İngiltere ile imzaladığı kontrat çerçevesinde Herat’a ilişkin ihlalci yaklaşımda bulunan devletin İngiltere olduğunu vurgulayarak, İngiltere’ye karşı Osmanlı ve Fransa desteğini almaya çalışmıştır. Bu mesele sürecinde Osmanlı Devleti, önemli çatışma alanlarından biri olan Basra Körfezi dolayısıyla, sorunla yakından ilgilenmek zorunda kalmıştır. Osmanlı Devleti, mevcut şartları dolayısıyla İngiltere’nin gücünü ve kendi üzerindeki etkisini de hesap ederek, Herat meselesinde tarafsız kalmayı uygun görmüştür. İstediği desteği bulamayan ve İngiltere karşısında zor durumda kalan İran ise, 1857 tarihinde Fransa’nın arabuluculuğuyla Paris Antlaşması’nı imzalayarak Herat’ı terk etmiştir. Meydana gelen gelişmeler sonucunda istediğini elde eden ve gücünü kabul ettiren devlet İngiltere olmuştur.


The second period of the 19th century witnessed the rivalry of the great powers over the world. In this rivalry especially England, Russia and France together with other effective power groups created zone of influence in some regions and protected them. Ottoman and Iran appeared like governments torn between these power groups because of their weak condition. Another significant detail was the fact that especially England and Russia had different intentions on their territory of sovereignty and could not agree with each other. Thus, starting with 19th Century, England tried to resist Russia’s expansionist intentions. English government, aware of the fact that Russian expansionist policies were a threat against England, realized that if Russia would not be halted at the Danube, she should be stopped at the shores of Indus River. After losing the Crimean War, Russia began the policy of expansion from the north of Caspian Sea Region to the south, to weaken the hand of and to avenge England. In the initial phase, Russia attempted to use Iran against England to expand her influence in Asia and to create tensions in Indian Region, primarily in Afghanistan and tried to disenfranchise England in the light of her own political priorities. However, historical developments proved that it was not a simple task and England, a world power during that period, had her own agenda to rebut these plans of Russia. In this context, a strategic door of entry into India, Herat became the center of the conflict due to its strategic importance. To clarify the issue, a review of Herat’s geographical location and historical course would show that it is an ancient town dating back to prehistoric period, located in northeastern Afghanistan. The city’s strategic location always attracted the interest of powers to be. It was always in the top of the list to defend for the states that held it in history, such as Ghaznevids, Seljuks, Ghurids, Mongolians, Ilkhanids, and Timurids. Herat Region became the center of conflict between Safavid Iran and Transoxania Uzbeks in the 16th Century on. The fact that Herat was one of the significant centers of Sunni-Shi’ite conflict resulted in its destruction several times in history. The era of conflict continued even with the conquest of the city by Ismail I in 1510 because of the Uzbeks’ continued resistance against Shi’ite Safavids. Concurrently, Shamlu Turkmens were influential in the administration of Herat until 1717. However, Afghan Abdalis took over the administration of Herat after that date. Iran conquered Herat during the reign of Nader Shah, however after his death in 1749 Abdalis solidified their influence in the city. Durrani dynasty became sovereign in Herat under the administration of Abdali Ahmad Shah Durrani. In the later periods, even though Durranis lost the control of several areas in Afghanistan, they were able to keep Herat under their sovereignty. Beginning with the 19th Century, Herat witnessed the fierce rivalry of local Afghans and Iranians because of its strategic location in one hand, and in the other it became the arena of conflict for England and Russia to include the region in their respective zones of influence. Herat’s strategic importance derived from the fact that it provided an effective getaway for India facilitating a move towards India from the region through the west and the north. At that point in time, Herat issue became a significant front of England’s Asian policy in that era. While the developments shaped in the axis of England, Iran, Russia, France and Ottoman, the general course of history demonstrated that Iran experienced problems based on Herat issue, and especially the passive outlook of the Ottoman Empire in internel and foreign affairs became prominent due to these developments. Russia tried to extend its influence to Afghanistan and India under the premise of supporting Iran to paint England into a corner. Iran organized several military operations into He


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