XVI. Asır Divan Şairi Sâdık’ın (ö.1588?) “Nevâî Dili”yle Yazdığı Şiirler


Number of pages:
2014-Volume 9 Issue 12

Bu makalede, III. Murat döneminde Edirne’de yaşamış, sipahi asıllı bir şair olan Sâdık’ın Çağatay Türkçesi ile yazmış olduğu şiirler ele alınmıştır. Sâdık, gerek Dîvân’ında Nevâî’den övgüyle bahsetmesiyle ve gerekse de Çağatayca yazmış olduğu seksen dokuz adet şiirle iyi bir Ali Şîr Nevâî takipçisidir. Sâdık, Ali Şîr Nevâî’yi sadece anmakla kalmamış aynı zamanda onun tarz ve üslubunu da benimsemiştir. Onun Arapça ve Farsça şiirleri, gazel tarzında yazmış olduğu tevhit ve naatlar ve yedi adet


In this article, the poems written in Chaghatai Turkish by Sâdık, a poet of man at-arms stock during the period of Murat II. , are discussed. Sâdık is a good persecutor of Ali Şîr Nevâî both by his mentioning of Nevâî with praise and with his eighty-nine poems written in Chaghatai language. Sadık, not only made mention of Ali Şîr Nevâî but also adopted his manner and style. His poems and Arabic and Persian, unitings and naats written in the style of ghazals and rumours that he had seven collected poems lead us to Ali Şîr Nevâî. As known, there are poems especially in Persian, seven collected poems and naats in the style of ghazals by Ali Şîr Nevâî. Particularly, Ottoman poets of 16. century are known to write poems under Ali Şîr Nevâî’s affect. Both the period’s fashion and Nevâî’s fame during this period and also the willing of poets to show their talents in literature and science might have caused these poems to be written. Whatever cause they were written these poems show that Ottoman face to the lands they had come from, that is to the East. In the 16. century, capturing the affect of Ali Şîr Nevâî on Ottoman field in the person of the poet Sâdık from Edirne will be an invitation to discover the interaction of two Turkish fields which seem to be parted in terms of their fate and language after Turkish centuries lasting long march towards the West.


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