Kur’an’ın Işığında Fuzûlî


Number of pages:
2014-Volume 9 Issue 9

Klasik Türk edebiyatında olduğu gibi Fars Edebiyatının da en önemli kaynaklarından birisi de Kur’an-ı Kerim’dir. Hem Türk hem de Fars birçok şair eserlerinde Kur’an-ı Kerim’den iktibaslar yapmışlar, bu yolla okuyucuya verilmesi gereken mesajı daha etkili sunmuşlardır. Bu şairlerin önde gelen temsilcilerinden biri de hem Türkçe hem de Farsça şiirler yazan, 16. yüzyıl Fars ve Türk edebiyatının önde gelen temsilcilerinden Fuzûlî mahlaslı Molla Muhammed b. Süleyman Bağdâdî’dir. Şiir bir söz sanatıdır. Fuzûlî de bir söz üstadıdır. Şairin meşrebi aşk ve sevgidir. Bütün eserlerinde Kur’an-ı Kerim’in engin denizinden faydalanmış, hemen hemen bütün eserlerinde ayetleri ya aynen almış, ya da biraz değiştirerek ayetleri tazmin etmiş ve bazen de kendi sözlerini Kur’an-ı Kerim’in ayetlerinin mefhumuna yerleştirerek söylemiştir. Farsça ve Türkçe yazılan


The Holy Koran is one of the most significant sources of Persian Literature as it is in the Classical Turkish Literature. A lot of both Turkish and Persian poets quoted from the Holy Koran in their works and they conveyed their message more affectively to their readers by this way. One of these poets is Molla Muhammed b. Suleyman Bagdadi whose pen name is Fuzuli and who wrote both Turkish and Persian poems and is one of the most prominent representatives of 16th century Persian and Turkish literature. Poetry is an art of words and Fuzuli is a master of words. Love lies in his temperament. He made use of the vastness of the Holy Koran in all his works. He either quoted the verses of Koran or arranged them with little changes in nearly all his works and he sometimes wrote his poems basing on the Quranic verses. Most of Turkish and Persian diwans were deeply affected by the verses of Koran. Learning the words of God is more virtious than learning other sciences. Therefore, all the Muslim nations are specially interested in God’s Book and accept it as the beginning of humanity and all sciences. Persian poets and authors formed the basis of their future-works by learning and memorizing the Holy Koran and shaped their thoughts. For this reason, throughout their literary lives they tried to spiritualize their poems by staying loyal to moral values and notions of the Holy Koran. In this article, we explained the couplets that were chosen from Fuzuli’s Persian Diwan that was published by Hasibe Mazıoglu in 1962. We also emphasized how the poet made use of the Holy Koran by choosing the verses that are suitable for the meaning of the couplets.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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