Haccac B. Yusuf ve Mushaf Tarihindeki Yeri


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2014-Volume 9 Issue 5

Haccac b. Yusuf es-Sekafî, Taif’de doğmuştur. Emevi soyundan olmamasına rağmen Emevilere büyük bir hayranlık beslemiştir. Muaviye b. Yezid’in vefatı ile Emevi devleti sarsılınca, Haccac bu devleti yeniden canlandırmıştır. Emeviler döneminde (661-750) Abdülmelik b. Mervan’ın ordusuna komutan olmuş, Abdullah b. Zübeyr’in üzerine gönderilmiş ve onu öldürmüştür. Mekke’yi altı ay kuşattıktan sonra önce Hicaz valiliğine daha sonra Irak valiliğine atanmıştır. Emevi devletinde bir takım ıslahatlar yapmıştır. Tek tip ölçü kullanılması, posta teşkilâtını düzene sokması, Arapça’nın resmî muamelelerdeki kullanımının yaygınlaştırılması, Farsça tutulmuş


Hajjaj b. Yusuf al-Sakafi was born in Taif. Although he is not a descendant of the Umayyad dynasty, he has a huge admiration for the Umayyads. When the Umayyad state has been shaken by Mu’awiya b. Yazid’s death, Hajjaj has renewed the state. Hajjaj was appointed as commander of the army of Abd al-Malik b. Marwan in the rein of Umayyads (661-750), and he marched towards Abdullah b. Zubair and killed him. After six months besiege of Mecca, he was appointed as governor of Hijaz and later became governor of Iraq. He has made some reforms in Umayyad state. For example, using only one type of measurement, reorganization of the postal service, endorsement of Arabic language in the official treatment, translation of Persian documents of the state into Arabic, and establishing Arab monetary system. As it is sated in the literature, in addition to its reformation, he did some examination on the Qur’anic text. We covered life of Hajjaj, his works and actions in general, later his special interest in the Qur’anic text. These issues are discussed that especially in the period of caliph Osman, spelling of some words of the Qur’an that duplicated and sent to different towns was edited by him. After evaluating of these opinions, we have discussed these views expressed in this topic in the classical sources. Later we have examined his contribution to the punctuation and marking of the Qur’anic text, counting the letters of the Qur’an, editing Qur’anic text for spelling errors, and his multiplication of Mushafs and sending different cities. Lastly we examined that why he is regarded as a cruel leader, his relationships with his people, what people say about him after his death, and Orientalist claim regarding Hajjaj and his works .


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