Kırımlı Abdullah Râmiz Paşa ve Divançesi


Number of pages:
2014-Volume 9 Issue 3

Kırım, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun hem siyasi hem de kültürel ve edebî anlamda yakın ilişki kurduğu Karadeniz'deki stratejik öneme sahip yerlerden biridir. Bu sahada meydana getirilen edebiyat, Osmanlı sahasıyla paralel bir yapıda gelişmiş, özellikle hanlık dönemi ve sonrasında klasik tarzda eser veren birçok yazar ve şair yetişmiştir. Bu çalışmada hayatı ve eserleri üzerinde durulacak olan Abdullah Râmiz Paşa da bu isimlerden biridir. Aslen Kırımlı olan Abdullah Râmiz Paşa, ailesiyle birlikte İstanbul'a gelmiş, çeşitli devlet görevlerinde bulunduktan sonra kaptan-ı deryalığa kadar yükselmiştir. Bazı siyasi faaliyetleri nedeniyle önce sürgün edilen ve ardından öldürülme ihtimali üzerine kaçmak zorunda kalan paşa Rusya'ya gitmiş, bir süre orada kaldıktan sonra doğum yeri Kırım'a geçmiş ve burada dedelerinden kalan vakıf eserlerini tamir ettirmiştir. Hakkında gizlice idam kararı çıkarılan Abdullah Râmiz Paşa'ya, Bükreş Antlaşması sonrası Belgrat muhafızlığı göreviyle ülkeye dönme izni verilmiş, ancak paşa kurulan bu tuzak neticesinde yolda pusuya düşürülerek öldürülmüştür. Râmiz Paşa bu hızlı ve çalkantılı hayatına rağmen az olmakla birlikte edebî faaliyetlere de zaman ayırmış ve şu anki bilgilerimize göre geride oğlu Mehmed İzzet Bey tarafından bir araya getirilerek yayımlanan şiirleriyle mektuplarını bırakmıştır. Abdullah Râmiz Paşa'nın şiirlerini ihtiva eden eseri kaynaklarda


Crimea was one of the strategically significant places in the Black Sea where the Ottoman Empire had important political, cultural as well as literary connections. The literature that came into existence in this field was developed in parallel with the Ottoman literature and many writers and poets creating classical works were seen especially during the patriarchy and the subsequent period. Abdullah Ramiz Pasha was also one of these literature figures and his biography as well as works created by him will be introduced in this paper. Abdullah Ramiz Pasha was originally from Crimea and he travelled together with his family to Istanbul, where he served as a government officer in various departments and ultimately he was promoted to the chief admiral. Later, he was exiled due to some of his controversial political activities and then he was forced to escape to Russia because of the possibility that he could be murdered. Having staying in Russia for a short period of time, he travelled to his birthplace Crimea and he made renovations to charity buildings inherited by his grandfathers. Abdullah Ramiz Pasha was given a secret sentence of death. Nevertheless, he was given a permission to return to the country as Belgrade guardian; however he was ambushed and murdered on his way. Ramiz Pasha had also allocated a little spare time for literary activities despite his fast and turbulent life. Based on our current knowledge, he left behind his poems and letters that were collected and published by his son, Mehmed İzzet. This collection containing a few poems of Abdullah Ramiz Pasha is called


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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