Divan Şairleri Arasında Şair Ve Şiire Dair Atışmalar


Number of pages:
2014-Volume 9 Issue 3

Evvelâ şi'rest ü âhir kimyâ İnsanların rakiplere karşı kıskançlık ve düşmanlıkları; dostlara karşı da şakalaşma, laf atma gibi değişik davranışları insanlık tarihi kadar eskidir. İnsanlar arasında farklı bir yeri olan şairler ise duygu ve düşüncelerini daha çok şiirle ortaya koymuşlardır. Böylece Klasik Türk Edebiyatında alay, hiciv, latife, mülâtefe, nükte, tariz, tehzil gibi değişik türler ortaya çıkmıştır. Şairler, duygu ve düşüncelerini şiirle ifade edebilme yeteneklerini şair olmayan kişilere karşı bir silah gibi kullanırken çoğu zaman rakipleri olan şairlere de yöneltmişlerdir. Bu durumda aldıkları karşılık da doğal olarak şiir şeklinde olmuştur. Şiir aracılığıyla yapılan laf atma, nükte, yergi vb. sataşmalara verilen karşılığın da şiirle olması sosyal ve kültürel hayatta edebiyatın önemini göstermektedir. Bu tür edebî örneklerde; yaygın olarak bilinenin aksine


Poetry before and after chemistry Different cases among people such as jealousy and hatred against opponents; bantering and sniping with friends in order to have a good time are perhaps as old as human history. Poets who have a special place among people due to the ability to write poems have revealed their thoughts and feelings mostly via poems. Thus, in Classical Turkish Literature different species such as ridicule, satire, jest, mülâtefe, wit, antithesis and tehzil have emerged. While poets use the ability to express thoughts and feelings as a weapon against people who aren’t poets, they aim it the also to the poets who are their competitiors. In this case the response they get back has been in the form of poetry naturally. The response to sniping, wit, satire etc. via poetry being once again by poetry reveals the importance of literature in social and cultural life. In such kind of literary examples, contrary to common belief how much Divan poetry is intertwined with the life has been revealed once again In this article, poesy power by poets with each other by using language of poetry and jokes devoted to the quality of poem have been both classified and shared under subtitles. The samples classified under six headings have been put together as sub-headings in the form of their courses. The samples such as the rowing against personality, family and profession of the poet, both sides’ not being poet or the quips that aren’t in the form of poem are irrelevant. The orthography of the poems are typed as in the form of the sources they cited from and some of the letters of obscene expressions are remarked in full stop. Additionally poems are transferred to modern- day Turkish in form of prose and in these translations the obscene expressions are written by some missing letters.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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