Eşrefoğlu Rûmî’nin Gönül Miracı: Adı Aşk


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 13

Eşrefoğlu Rûm?, tasavvuf edebiyatımızın önemli isimlerinden biri olarak irfan hayatımızda yer almıştır. Hacı Bayram-ı Veli’nin kızı Hayrünnisa Hanım ile evlenerek damadı olan bu büyük mutasavvıf, Kadiriye tarikatının Anadolu’da yayılmasında önemli bir rol oynamıştır. Eşrefoğlu, dini-tasavvufi eserleri ve Türkçe


As one of the most important names in Sufi Literature, Eşrefoğlu Rûmî takes a significant part in our culture. With marriying Hayrunnisa Hanım, he becomes Hacı Bayram Veli's son-in-law, and played a remarkable role in spreading the Kadiri Sect in Anatolia. Eşrefoğlu's spiritual and mystical works, and his Turkish Divan are expressing for centuries the beauty of İslam, Sufism and the beauty of Divine Love. His work Müzekki'n-nufus was very liked and entered in almost every literate home by meeting interest. In addition to Eşrefoğlu's poems, his mystic life style also is making his personality considerable. Passing all the bringing up processes, which are depended on the rules of Dervish Order, he was able to achieve the position of enlightening people. Love is one of the important improvement and rising means in "Seyr ü Suluk".Therefore, Tasavvuf is in this meaning, with a metaphorical expression, a voyage of ones heart to reach Allah; an ascension. The main topic of Sufistic Divans' is highly based on love, and so is this subject in Rûmî's poems reserving a wide area.Because of being a member of Kadiri Sect, Rûmî's thoughts are effected deeply by Abdulkadir Geylânî. For being able to discover this effect's traces in Eşrefoğlu's apprehension of love, we fixed Abdulkadir Geylânî's ideas about love and compared this two points of views with each other.First of all this article is build on Eşrefoğlu's two poems' "adı aşk" rhyms, and including to them, the couplets and quatrains in his other poems concerning love also were searched and studied.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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