Nâbî’nin “Yok” Ve “Yokdur” Redifli Gazelleri


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 13

17. yüzyılda eski gücünü kaybetmeye başlayan Osmanlı Devleti’nde hemen her alanda sorunlar baş göstermiş, toplumsal yapı bu sorunlardan zarar görmüştür. 17. yüzyılın


Ottoman Empire, losing its old power in the 17th century, encountered problems in almost any area and the social structure was damaged by such problems. Affected by the changes, problems and negativity during the period he lived, Nabi, an ottoman poet in the 17th century, reflected the disruptions that he witnessed in the society to his poems from time to time. It is quite possible to see the disruptions in the society from his perspective in his poems. Nabi, also known as the representative of Hikemi poetry, wants to lead people. He sometimes warns people by giving advice and sometimes by criticizing them, further inviting them to move away from the negativity through his poems. Criticizing the society, period, sense of art during the period, he draws attention to the personal and social degeneration. Ryhme, being one of the rhythm means in Ottoman poetry, also helps ensuring the content integrity in poems. It is seen that the Ottoman poets wanted to improve the expression in poems with their deliberate choice of rhymes. Ottoman poets were able to have new methods as well as the possibility of expressing what has already been expressed before in a different way. Nabi not only did prefer the rhymes which have been used before, but also did he manage to reach a richness of expression and connotation with unusual and different rhymes. The article examines the ghazels of Nabi with the rhymes of “yok” and “yoktur” and attempts to determine whether such ghazels are the same in the sense of rhymes, further determining their similarities and differences. It will be focused on whether the characteristics pertaining to Nabi mentioned above exist in subject ghazels and the choice of rhymes of the poet. It will be attempted to determine the connection between the negative connotations of the rhymes used by Nabi in his ghazels and the contents of the ghazels, as well as showing his contributions on reflecting his own world of opinion and emotions.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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