Divan Şiirinde Rakip Ve Leyla Hanım’ın Rakip Gazeli


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 13



Adversary is important in the conventional characters of Divan poems. Adversary is the most typical of the traditional three of Divan poems : Lover, darling, adversary. Adversary’s main characteristic is being bad. Adversary is so bad that he always tries to separate the lover from the darling. So, the adversary is always obstade between lover and darling. That’s why all the lovers want the adversary to be dissapeared. Their worst enemy is adversary; so they want the adversary to die; to get rid of him for good. Adversary is one of the basic typicals of the Divan poem. So it always take place in samples of Divan poems. Not very many of them but, some of the Divan poets has used adversaries in their lyric poems (gazel). And one of these poets is Leyla Hanım, she is Divan poet of 19th century. We see so many samples of poems written by Leyla Hanım telling about adversaries as well as most of the other Divan poets; but additionally Leyla Hanım also had written a lyric poem (gazel); which the repeated words of it is the adversary. This lyric poem (gazel) is very interesting; showing how strong thoughts the poet Leyla Hanım has about adversary. After giving ideas about the characters in Leyla Hanım’s Divan poems telling about adversary; we will also examine the poet’s lyric poem (gazel) about adversary; and we will compare it with other lyric poems of the poet Leyla Hanım.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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