Kamal Al-Dîn Al-Andijânî And His Work Entitled Sıdq Al-Kalam Fî ‘Ilm Al-Kalâm

Ahl al-Sunnah was a sect which became after the III. century of hegira a theological sect accepted by the majority of Muslim society. While in the early times it comprised of many sects, in the later times Ahl al-Sunnah referred to the Asharism and the Maturidism. The Asharism is a sect which has been known and held by the majority in the history of Islam. However, this is not the case for the Maturidism. The main reason for this is the fact that the geography where the Maturidism emerged was distant from the milieu in which Islamic civilization formed and that ths sect was not known sufficiently. Nevertheless, a significant increase has recently been seen in the works on the Maturidism. Particularly in our country, in many Muslim countries studies have been done on the Maturidite theologians, their views and works. In this context, the works of Maturidite theologians have been edited and presented to the service of scholars. One of them is Kamal al-Din al-Andijani, one of the prominent Maturidite theologians of his time, and his work Sidq al-Kalâm fî ‘Ilm al-Kalâm. In this article, the place and importance of Kamâl al-Dîn al-Andijânî and his work Sidq al-Kalâm fî ‘Ilm al-Kalâm in the science of Kalâm will be shown. Al-Andijânî (726-777), a Maturidite theologian, is of prominent scholars of the VIII. century in Transoxiana. He was born in Andijan, a city of Farghana province where today located in Uzbekistan borders. In this, information will be given on the region where the scholar lived, the spread of Islam, the political, scholarly and religious situations of region in the VIII. century, life of the scholar, his personality, purpose of his writing this work and the contents of the work.


al-Andijani, Ahl al-Sunnah, Maturidism, Theology, Sect, Transoxiana.

Author : Hilmi KARAAĞAÇ
Number of pages: 635-647
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7827/TurkishStudies.5608
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Alıntı Yap:
Journal of Turkish Studies
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