Taşlıcalı Yahya’nın Gencîne-i Râz Mesnevisinde Şiir, Şair Ve Kâtiple İlgili Değerlendirmeler


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2013-Volume 8 Issue 13

Bu çalışmada, Taşlıcalı Yahya’nın Gencîne-i Râz mesnevisinde şiir, şair ve kâtiple ilgili değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır. Klasik Türk edebiyatında müstakil olarak bir poetika yazılmamıştır. Ancak bazı mensur


In this study, poem, poets and clerk are evaluated in te Taşlıcalı Yahya’s Gencîne-i Râz mesnevi. Poetics as seperate aren’t written in Classical Turkish Literature. However There are evaluations on the poem and the poet in the introduction parts of tezkires and forewords of prose diwan. Yahya Bey is one of the most important poets of the 16. century. Gencîne-Râz is the most important constituent mesnevi of his hamse. It can be said that his notions on the poem and the poet has great effects on the consideration of the poem and the poets of diwan poems.Yayha Bey’s notions on poem and poet are appropriate to the era’s understanding of poem and poets. According to Yahya Bey, poem is not known by learning from ancestor. İt is a favour of God. But Anyone can’t discover this secret. Poem is certainly read well both in meaning and harmony. According to him, poet is a wise man who describe the God’s force and explain the God’ wisdom to the public. These are the expert of discovery and miracles. Their authorities are very supreme. They are foreign to the world’s blessing. They don’t tilt their head to sultans and They have conviction. Poets shouldn’remain in metaphor but search the truth of the world, shouldn’t wait blessing form the world lovers and should’t praise the others for their benefits. Also he curse harshly the thief poets. According to Yahya Bey, clerk should write with nice post, there wouldn’t be any problem in his writings, if there is any problem, he should corret it. Clerks should put the dot of letters correctly in their places, should write letters and the lines at appropriate intervals, their letters shouldn’t be as defeated troops. Understanding the viewpoint of poem and poet of the Classical Turkısh Literature make essential the properly investigation of the works of this period. There are rich material to be source for this kind of studies in the poems of Yahya Bey.


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