Bağdatlı Rûhî’nin Terkîb-Bendi’ne Yazılmış Bir Nazire: XVIII. Yüzyıl Şairi Berberzâde Mehmed Zihnî’nin Terkîb-Bend’i


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 13

XVII. yüzyıl sonu ve XVIII. yüzyıl başında yaşamış, Berberzâde Zihnî’nin asıl adı Mehmed’dir. İstanbul’da doğmuştur. Berberler kethüdalığı,


The genuine name of Berberzâde Zihnî, who lived at the end of XVII. Century and at the beginning of XVIII. Century, is Mehmed. He was born in Istanbul. Berberzâde Mehmed Zihnî served in different positions as Barbers chief servent, council clerkship and shipyard servent; he was dismissed from his position because of his help to Sadrazam Rami Paşa in Edirne events. He died while he was serving as “Mukâbele-i suvâri” (H. 1127/ G. 1715). We have examined Berberzâde Mehmed Zihnî’s terkîb-bend which is in his Divan. It is a nazire to the famous terkîb-bend of 16th century poet Bağdatlı Rûhî. This terkib-bend was famous because of the social criticisms to his era. Many nazires written by different poets like Cevrî, Sâmî, Vâsıf, Haşmet, Kâzım Paşa, Şeyh Gâlib, Ziya Paşa, Fehim, Kabûlî-i Edirnevî, Abdî, Naci, Leylâ Hanım, Kandiyeli Ali Râşid Efendi, Ayetullâh, Vahyî, Trabzonlu İbrahim Cûdî, Levhî, Sünbülzade Vehbî, Abdî, Muallim Nâcî to the terkib-bend of Bağdatlı Rûhî. Berberzâde MehmeD Zihnî who is not named as a one in the poets whom we have written is also a poet who wrote a terkib-bend composed by 10 bent, each composed of 11 beyit. As Bağdatlı Rûhî does in his terkîb-bend, Berberzâde Mehmed Zihnî complains about his era and fortune, and expresses his religious, sufistic and philosophical views in his terkîb-bend. In his terkîb-bend he puts emphasis on social problems and frankly criticizes his era. In his terkib-bend we can also see signs about his dismission from his duty, the social disorder and complexity of his era. The aim of this work is to present a poetic text that was written as a nazire to Bağdatlı Rûhî’s famous poem in order to reflect the politically and socially complicated atmosphere of the 17th century and the first quarter of 18th century.


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