Descriptions And Classifications About Teşbih (Simile) In The Books Of Eloquence

Teşbih is a literary term of which root comes from şibh and its plural is teşbihat. One of the most important element of poem and fine arts is teşbih. In our classic literature the cheek of darling is resembled to rose, hair to hyacinth, scar to fülfül and many original drams and wits are put forth. In Ottoman, some criteria as dreams, wits and talents that tezkire authors used in their poem and poet assessments include Teşbih so much. Actually, as a basic art, the root of isti’âre is teşbih. Poem is an art and it cannot be thought that art can be done without teşbih. A deep dream or a rich meaning can be possible many times with thr richness of teşbih. Thus, in Ottoman, one of the most detailed narreted subject is teşbih in eloquence books and there is made pages and pages explanations. At the same time there is seen many differences on definition and classification of teşbih art in these books. For instance, in some articles, absolute, constitutional, allusion, miracles etc are described. In other articles, these species could not described and this condition is found about the article of the source. Nowadays, mentioned for teşbih species like belîğ, mücmel, mürsel, müekked cannot be seen in many eloquence articles. Thus, it should be examined and compared specific eloquence articles. The aim of this article is to examine and compare. Definition and classification about chosen specific articles are handled in this article.


Teşbih (Simile), Eloquence books, Comparison.

Author : Muhittin ELİAÇIK
Number of pages: 565-581
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Journal of Turkish Studies
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