Bilinmeyen Bir Şair: Su'âlî ve Şiirleri


Number of pages:
2013-Volume 8 Issue 9

Klasik Türk edebiyatı, kültür seviyesi yüksek bir zümre tarafından icra edildiği için sanatsal ve öğretici faaliyetlerini yazılı materyallere dönüştürmeyi amaçlayan bir edebiyattı. Nitekim bu edebiyata mensup sanatçılar şiirlerini bir kitapta toplamaya özen göstermişlerdir. Üstelik sadece sanatsal eserler değil bilgi içerikli metinler de kaleme alma gayesi taşıyorlardı. Bunun gereği olarak


Classical Turkish Literature was aiming translating artistic and didactic activities to written materials because of being carried on by culturally high level class. However, artists belonging to this literature minded to incorporate their poems into a book.They aimed to write out not only artistic outputs but also informative texts. As part of this, Divan Literature has a wide biographic source catalog. It is likely to find data about many of these artists among these sources. On the other hand, there are some other poets who hasn't published biographic sources in Classical Turkish Literature due to remaining local, being less popular than other poets, remaining behind the scenes cause of not having an official job or other reasons. One of these poets is Su’âlî. Majority of the members of a literature is one of the elements that make literature precious. To belong to literature just becomes by publishing written texts. In this regard it is considerably important to save them from extinction by carrying out research on Divan Literature artists and recording them. We are going to try to reach the knowledge of the poet's life by studying Su’âlî's poems by scanning and identifying magazines and cönks in this study. We are going to make a presentation on findings related to his literary personality by examining his existing poems with regard to form and content with the aid of various charts. At the result section, we are going to try to conclude the knowledge and findings that come out in our research. At the end of the article we are going to submit Suali's existing poems science world with the issues we mind while building text.


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Journal of Turkish Studies
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