Istanbul In The French Literature

In this study, our aim is to reveal how the theme “Istanbul” was addressed in French Literature from the past to the present. In French literature, one could cite Record of a Journey from Paris to Jerusalem and Back by Chateaubriand, Constantinople: World’s Most Beautiful City by Théophile de Gautier, Constantinople and Voyage to the Orient by Gérard de Nerval, Secret garden by Marc Hélys, Ghosts of the East, Disenchanted and Aziyadé by Pierre Loti, among the travel literature books on Istanbul or novels where events in the plot happen in Istanbul. The theme “Istanbul” has been frequently addressed in French literature and it is possible to add more books to that list. The city, situated at the crossroads between the East and the West, is still an inspiration for traveller-writers. In recent years, are remarkable the essays entitled Istanbulin by Gisèle Durero Köseoğlu as well as her trilogy entitled respectively Windows from Istanbul, A Manuscript in Istanbul and A Book Full of Secrets. Writers describe Istanbul in various perspectives by switching from inner reality to fiction and from observation to narration. Our aim is to question the reality/fiction relation, the perspective of Western traveller-writer on the East, and meanings of the Istanbul theme in French literature. Even when the described places are the same the Istanbul image given in each work is different from the others, due to the fact that the emphasised features of the perceived object varies depending on the observer subject. Each traveller-writer describes the city which he/she perceives. On the other hand, when looking at travel books from 19th century to the present, we can still find a common image of Istanbul as presented in the French literature, although the city itself has changed a lot. In this work, this common image will be revealed.


Travel narratives, semiotics, perception, İstanbul.

Author : Buket ALTINBÜKEN
Number of pages: 29-35
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Journal of Turkish Studies
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